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英语food and culture课文笔记(英语原版阅读Food)

英语food and culture课文笔记(英语原版阅读Food)The next time 下次 in a supermarket 超市里 pay attention to 注意图片来源于网络下次你在超市时,注意你看到和闻到的东西。先来读文章:图片来源于网络1.The next time you are in a supermarket pay attention to what you see and smell.




英语food and culture课文笔记(英语原版阅读Food)(1)



英语food and culture课文笔记(英语原版阅读Food)(2)


1.The next time you are in a supermarket pay attention to what you see and smell.


The next time 下次 in a supermarket 超市里 pay attention to 注意

英语food and culture课文笔记(英语原版阅读Food)(3)


2.Usually fresh fruit and vegetables are near the entrance.


fresh fruit and vegetables 新鲜的水果和蔬菜 near the entrance 入口附近

英语food and culture课文笔记(英语原版阅读Food)(4)


3.Is there a reason for this?


4.Yes there is.

是的 有。

5.Fresh food near the entrance makes people think all the items in the shop are fresh.


Fresh food 新鲜食物 near the entrance 入口附近 Fresh food near the entrance 入口附近的新鲜食物 makes people think 让人觉得 all the items 所有东西 in the shop 店里的 all the items in the shop 店里的东西

英语food and culture课文笔记(英语原版阅读Food)(5)


6.Why is there a good smell of baking near the bread shelves?


a good smell of baking 烤面包的香味 the bread shelves 面包架 near the bread shelves 面包架附近

英语food and culture课文笔记(英语原版阅读Food)(6)


7.The bread is in plastic bags but the smell (from bakery section) makes people feel hungry and then they buy more.


in plastic bags 塑料袋里 from bakery section 来自面包房的 feel hungry 感到饥饿 makes people feel hungry 让人们感到饥饿

英语food and culture课文笔记(英语原版阅读Food)(7)


8.And what is next to the checkout?


next to 旁边 next to the checkout 收银台旁边

英语food and culture课文笔记(英语原版阅读Food)(8)


9.How many bags of sugar or rice do you see there?


How many 多少 How many bags of sugar 多少袋糖

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10.How many eggs?


英语food and culture课文笔记(英语原版阅读Food)(11)




12.This is the place for sweets and magazines.


sweets and magazines 糖果和杂志

英语food and culture课文笔记(英语原版阅读Food)(12)


英语food and culture课文笔记(英语原版阅读Food)(13)


13.People stand in the queue see the sweets and magazines and buy them without thinking about how much money they are spending.


stand in the queue 排着队 see the sweets and magazines 看到糖果和杂志 thinking about 想 how much money 多少钱

英语food and culture课文笔记(英语原版阅读Food)(14)



The next time you are in a supermarket pay attention to what you see and smell. Usually fresh fruit and vegetables are near the entrance. Is there a reason for this? Yes there is. Fresh food near the entrance makes people think all the items in the shop are fresh. Why is there a good smell of baking near the bread shelves? The bread is in plastic bags but the smell (from bakery section) makes people feel hungry and then they buy more. And what is next to the checkout? How many bags of sugar or rice do you see there? How many eggs? None! This is the place for sweets and magazines. People stand in the queue see the sweets and magazines and buy them without thinking about how much money they are spending.


英语food and culture课文笔记(英语原版阅读Food)(15)


1. How do you say it in your language?

1. pay attention 2. items 3. feel hungry

4. checkout 5. none 6. without thinking

2. Find the words in the text that mean:

1. where you buy food and cleaning things door

2. places to put things in order

3. amount of coins and notes

3.- Give the opposite

1. near (line 2) 2. good (line 5) 3. buy (line 7)

4.- Correct the mistakes in bold

1. In a supermarket the fresh fruit is usually near the checkout.

2. The fruit is in plastic bags

3. The smell near the bread makes people feel thirsty.

4. There are sweets near the entrance.

5. People buy eggs without thinking.

5. Match A to B to complete the sentences about supermarkets.

1. Rice and sugar 2. Bread

3. Fruit and vegetables 4. Sweets

a) has got a good smell

b) are near the checkout

c) are fresh

d) aren't near the checkout

6. Answer these questions. Give full answers.

1. Where are usually vegetables and fresh fruit in a supermarket?

2. Why?

3. Why is the smell from the bakery section?

4. What are there near the checkout?

7. Make a list of ten items that you find in a supermarket and you use to clean.

参考答案: 1.1. 注意 2. 物品 3. 感到饿 4. 结账 5. 没有 6.不加思考 2.1.supermarket 2.shelves 3.money 3.1.far 2. bad 3.sell 4.1.entrance 2.bread 3.hungry 4.checkout 5. sweets and magazines 5.1-b 2-a 3-c 4-d 6.1.Usually fresh fruit and vegetables are near the entrance. 2.Because fresh food near the entrance makes people think all the items in the shop are fresh. 3. Because the smell (from bakery section) makes people feel hungry and then they buy more. 4. Sweets and magazines are near the checkout. 7.略

