英语小故事412(抄书练字英语奇闻趣事23)But his best-known remarks had nothing to do with science. He was the man who said that if Cleopatra's nose had been differently shaped - aquiline for instance - or if Cromwell's bladder had not been obstructed and he had lived longer the history of the world would have been altered.17世纪的法国数学家、物理学家、哲学家和文体家布莱兹·帕斯卡未成年时就造出了一台计算机和计算尺,他奠定了现代概率论的基础,发明了以他的名字命名的数字三角形,发现了旋轮线的特性,发展了微积分运算。When he w
When he was a child Blaise pascal once locked himself in his room for several days and would not allow anyone to enter. When he emerged he had figured out all of Euclid's geometrical propositions totally on his own.
The seventeenth-century French mathematician physicist philosopher and stylist Blaise Pascal built a calculating machine and a slide rule in his childhood laid the foundation for the modern theory of probabilities invented the mathematical triangle that bears his name discovered the properties of the cycloid and advanced differential calculus.
But his best-known remarks had nothing to do with science. He was the man who said that if Cleopatra's nose had been differently shaped - aquiline for instance - or if Cromwell's bladder had not been obstructed and he had lived longer the history of the world would have been altered.