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高一英语必修一unit 4重点知识(高一英语人教版必修四unit3知识点总结)

高一英语必修一unit 4重点知识(高一英语人教版必修四unit3知识点总结)The old man is content to live in the countryside .那个老人乐意住在乡下。2)be content to do sth 满足于做某事vt 使满足1)feel /be content with 对...满足/满意He feels content with his life .他对自己的生活很满意。

高一英语必修一unit 4重点知识(高一英语人教版必修四unit3知识点总结)(1)

Unit3 A taste of English humour

(1) 核心词汇:

1. content adj 满足的;满意的

n 满足

vt 使满足

1)feel /be content with 对...满足/满意

He feels content with his life .他对自己的生活很满意。

2)be content to do sth 满足于做某事

The old man is content to live in the countryside .那个老人乐意住在乡下。

3)content oneself with 使某人满足于

The girl contented herself with a nice film .女孩看了一部好电影,很满足。

2. astonish vt 使惊诧

1)sth: astonish sb

It astonishes me that no one has thought of it before .使我感到惊讶的是,以前谁也没有想到这事。

2) Sb : be astonished by /at 由于...感到吃惊

Sth :be astonishing 某事令人吃惊

3)to one's astonishment令人惊讶的是

in astonishment惊讶地;震惊地

To my astonishment he was astonished at the astonishing news and look at me in astonishment .


3 .badly off 穷的;缺少的

1) be badly off for sth 缺少某东西

The farmers here are badly off and they are badly off for food and money .这儿的农民很穷,他们缺钱和食物。

2) 相关短语:

be worse off 更穷的;处境更差

be well off 境况很好;富裕

be better off境况更好

go from bad to worse 越来越坏;每况愈下

to make matters worse 更糟糕的是

The villagers are better off now than before .村民比以前富裕多了。

4 .entertain vt&vi 使欢乐;款待

1) entertain sb with sth 用某物使某人快乐

Knowledgeable guides will entertain you with the most interesting stories .


2) entertain sb to sth 用某物款待某人

The Greens entertained us to French food yesterday .昨天格林一家用法国食物款待我们。

3)entertaining adj 有趣的;令人愉快

a very entertaining film.一部很有趣的电影

a most entertaining guest 很有风趣的客人

5. convince vt 使信服

1) convince sb to do sth 说服某人做某事

We convinced Jack to go there by train .我们说服杰克乘火车去那儿。

2)convince sb of sth 使某人相信某事

convince sb that... 使某人相信...

He convinced me of his honesty.

He convinced me that he is honest.他使我相信他是诚实的。

2) convinced adj 确信的;坚信不疑的

a convinced look坚信不疑的表情

be convinced of sth 确信;相信

be convinced that... 确信...

I'm convinced of his honesty.

I'm convinced that he is honest .我相信他是诚实的。

3)convincing adj 令人信服的

a convincing story 一个令人信服的故事

6 .direct vt&vi 导演;指示;指挥

adj 直的;直接的;直率的

1) direct a film导演一部电影

direct sb to do sth 指示某人做某事

direct that sb(should)do sth指示某人应该做某事

Her boss directed her to call off the meeting .

=Her boss directed that she should all off the meeting .她的老板指示她取消这次会议。

3) direction n 指导;方向

in the direction of 朝...方向

in all directions =in every direction朝四面八方

4) directly conj "一...就..." 引导时间状 语从句。类似还有:immediately ; instantly.

Directly/Immediately/Instantly he heard the good news he jumped with joy.


7 .whisper n 耳语;di

Vt&vi 低语;小声说

1) whisper to sb 低声对某人说

It is whispered that.. 传闻/据说,据小道消息...

He whispered to me that he was a shy man .他低声对我说他是一个害羞的人。

It is whispered that he would be a promising leader in the future.


2) in a whisper /in whispers 低声地

The debated it in whispers/in a whisper.他们低声讨论这件事。


1. humour n 幽默;滑稽

humorous adj 幽默的;滑稽的

2. performer n 表演者;演出者

perform vt 执行;表演

performance n 执行;演出

3 .brighten vt 使更愉快;使更有希望

bright adj 明亮的;光线充足的

4 .depressed adj 忧愁的;沮丧的

depressing adj 令人沮丧的

depress vt使沮丧;使消沉

depression n 沮丧;消沉;萧条期

5 .astonish vt 使惊诧

astonishing adj 令人感到惊讶的

astonished adj 惊讶的

astonishment n 惊讶;震惊

6 .fortunate adj幸运的;吉利的

fortunately adv幸运地

unfortunately adv不幸地

fortune n 运气;巨款;大笔的钱

make a fortune 发财

seek your fortune 外出寻找发财机会;


7.bored adj 厌烦的

boring adj 令人厌烦的

bore vt 使厌烦

8 .entertain vt&vi 使快乐;款待

entertaining adj 有趣的;令人愉快

entertainment n 娱乐

entertainer (娱乐节目的)表演者

9 .failure n 失败(者)

fail vi 失败;不及格

10.convince vt 使信服

convincing adj 令人信服的

convinced adj 确信的

11 .direct vt&vi 导演;指示;指挥

adj 直的;直接的;直率的

direction n 指导;方向

director n 导演

directly adv 直接地;径直地

conj 一....就...

12 .confidence n 信心;信念

confident adj 自信的;确信的

13 .particular adj 特殊的;特别的

n 细节;细目

particularly adv 特殊地;特别地

14 .amuse vt 使发笑;使愉快

amusing adj 好笑的;有趣的

amused adj 被逗乐的

amusement n娱乐;消遣

15 .occasion n 时刻;场合

occasional adj 偶尔的

occasionally n adv 偶尔地

16 .actress n 女演员

actor n 演员

act v 扮演;做事;行动

17 .explanation n 解释;讲解;说明

explain vt 解释;说明

18.detective n 侦察

detect vt 侦察;发现

19 .mountainous adj 多山的;山一般的

mountain n 山;山脉

20 ss n脏或乱的状态

messy adj 肮脏的;麻烦的

21 .react vi 作出反应;回应

reaction n反应;回应

22. drunk adj 醉的

drink vi 喝酒;酗酒


1 .up to now 到现在(现在完成时状语)

so far 至今

2 .feel /be content with 对...满足

3(be)badly off 穷的;缺少的

be worse off 更穷的;处境更差

be well off 境况很好;富裕

be better off境况较好

4 .star in 在...中担任主角;主演

5 .cut off 切断;断绝

cut off the water supply 切断水供应

be cut off from the outside world .


cut in 插嘴;插话

cut sth out 删掉

cut sth up 切碎

cut sth down 减少;砍倒

6 .pick out 挑出;辨别出

7 .in particular=particularly尤其;特别

be particular about sth 对.. 讲究/挑剔

8 .convince sb of sth 使某人相信某事

9.pick up (偶然)习得;接收;好转

10 .react to sth 对...做出反应;回应

react against sb/sth反对;反抗

高一英语必修一unit 4重点知识(高一英语人教版必修四unit3知识点总结)(2)

Unit 3 A master of nonverbal humour

(1) 必备漂亮句

1. As Victor Hugo once said "Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face"..


1)As Victor Hugo once said 是由as 引导非限制性定语从句 代替后面整个主句的内容。that drives winter from the human face是由that 引导的定语从句,修饰先行词the sun。

2)as 引导非限制性定语从句 代替后面整个主句的内容 意为"正如"。

As is known to us all practice makes perfect .


2. He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed so they could feel more content with their lives.


when they felt depressed,是由when 引导定语从句修饰先行词a time。

There was a time when I hated going to school .曾经有一个时期我讨厌去上学。

3. You may find it astonishing that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk .


1) it 是形式宾语,真正的宾语是that 引导的宾语从句。


find /believe/think it adj that ../to do.

Many foreigners find it surprising that China has made rapid progress in economy in the past few years .


The two girls are so alike that strangers find it difficult to tell one from another .


4 .Unfortunately his father died leaving the family even worse off .不幸的是他的父亲去世了,使得他的家境更加艰难..

1) leaving the family even worse off是ving 短语做结果状语。

2) ving 短语做结果状语,表示前面发生的事导致后面结果,是自然而然的结果。动词不定式做结果状语,表示出乎意料的结果,多用only to do .

My car was caught in a traffic jam thus causing the delay .


Jane hurried back only to find that her mother had left .


5 .By his teens Charlies had through his humor become one of the most popular child actors in England .


6 .No one was ever bored watching him--his subtle acting made everything entertaining .


watching him是ving短语做伴随状语。

He walked around stiffly carrying a walking stick .ving短语做伴随状语


7 .Here is an example from one of his most famous films The Gold Rush .这里有一个例子,来自他著名的电影之一淘金记。

1) 本句是全部倒装句。


Here/There 谓语动词(come/go) 主语

Here comes a bus .车来了。

There goes the bell .铃响了。

8 .As time went by he began making films .


1 )As time went by是由as 引导的时间状语从句,as意为"随着"。

2 )As time went by=With time going by

As time went by he became impatient .

=With time going by,he became impatient .


9 .Instead he and another are hiding in a small hut during a snowstorm with nothing to eat .相反,他和另一个人被暴风雪困在一个小木屋中,没有任何东西可吃。

1) with nothing to eat 是with 结构(with n to do) 在句中作状语。

2) with结构:

with n to do(to do表将来)

with n ving(ving 和前面名词表主动)

with n done(done 和前面名词表被动且完成)

With a lot of difficult problems to settle the newly elected president is having a hard time .


With the boy leading the way he had no difficulty finding the school.


With his work finished Tom went home happily .

工作完成了,汤姆高高兴兴地回家 了。

10 .He tries cutting and chewing the bottom of the shoe as if it were the finest steak . 他把皮鞋鞋底切开嚼着吃,就像吃一块最好的牛排。

as if it were the finest steak 是由as if /as though 引导的方式状语从句,本句描述的是虚拟情况,be 动词用were.

Then he picks out the lace of the shoe and eats it as if it were spaghetti .


11 .He eats each mouthful with great enjoyment .他每一口都嚼得津津有味。

12.The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted .


1)he has ever tasted是省略关系代词that的定语从句,修饰先行词 the best meals。

2)在"在高级 名词"之后的定语从句中,谓语动词常用现在完成时。

This is the best tea(that)I have ever drunk .这是我喝过的最好的茶了。

13.He is loved and remembered as a great actor who could inspire people with great confidence . 人们热爱和怀念这位伟大的演员,他鼓舞人们并增强他们的信心。



1. up to now 直到现在

2. brighten the lives of sb


3 .in between 在..之间;在中间

4 .make people laugh 使人们开怀大笑

5 .feel depressed 感到沮丧

6 .feel content with their lives



1. be born in a poor family 出身贫寒

2. even worse off更糟糕

3. by his teens到他十多岁时

4. make everything entertaining



1. as time went by随着时间的推移

2. make films拍电影

3. throughout the world 全世界

4. a poor homeless man with a moustache一个无家可归的人,留着小胡子

5. worn-out shoes破了的鞋子

6. carry a walking stick拿着一根拐杖

7. a social failure 生活中的失败者

8. be unkind to sb



1 .toward the end of the nineteenth century 十九世纪末

2 ke so many others 像其他很多人一样

3 .in search of gold 淘金

3. with nothing to eat 没有吃的东西

4. cut off the leather top of the shoe


5 .share sth with the other fellow


6 . as if 似乎;好像

5. pick sth out 挑出;辨别出

6. with great enjoyment 非常高兴地


1) write direct and produce the films


2)star in在...担任主角;主演


3) be loved and remembered as a ..

