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1到121的英语基数词(英语单词Accident与Incident的区别)I accidently spilt my tea on my colleague this morning.上周在工厂里有一个操作员受伤了。A car accident happened on the street yesterday.昨天大街上发生了一个车祸。The operator was injured in an accident during work in the factory last week.

Accident has a negative implication which is defined as an unintentional event that usually result in some damage and does result in an injury or illness. It is a bad event caused by chance or by error.

If some equipment runs abnormal in a factory and injures a worker that is an accident. A car crash is an accident. If an event caused injury illness or damage it is an accident. When you step on someone’s foot that is a (minor) accident. Because you didn’t want or plan to do it.

Accident: 事故,意外事件。传达着消极的语意。强调的是不愿意看到的事件,并且这种事件常常还导致了伤害。这个事件可能是不经意造成的,也可能是由于失误造成的。


A car accident happened on the street yesterday.


The operator was injured in an accident during work in the factory last week.


I accidently spilt my tea on my colleague this morning.



incident is more general. It can refer to any event. It could be positive or negative. Whatever it’s big or small good or bad expected or unexpected. But in the industry and manufacture safety world an accident is usually more severe than an incident.

Incident: 事件。使用更广泛,可以用来描述任何事件。情感色彩中立。描述的事件可大可小,可好可坏,乐意看到亦或不乐意看到。但在工业行业,accident通常意味着后果比incident严重得多。


The bombing in Iran caused an international incident.


It happened an incident in the bar yesterday two people fought.


In general all accidents are incidents but NOT all incidents are accidents.

