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冬奥会运动员菜单菜品(北京冬奥会运动员菜单发布)运动员菜单 menu for athletes【相关词汇】在餐饮服务上,北京、延庆、张家口三个冬奥村(Olympic Village)的服务标准、时间和内容统一。设置12种餐台,每天约200道菜供各国运动员食用(around 200 dishes will be available for athletes each day),以每8天为一个周期进行轮换。每餐都有一系列素食和清真菜式,并提供犹太洁食服务(vegetarian halal and kosher meals will be available),满足不同口味、不同宗教的特定饮食需求,让运动员充分感受中国的热情好客(Chinese hospitality)。冬奥会赛时恰逢中国传统春节(the 2022 Winter Olympics coincides with China's Spring Festival),菜单将围绕“中




Organizers of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games have released a menu of 678 dishes that will be served during the Games to athletes from diverse cultural backgrounds. The menu approved by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) was designed to meet the different dietary needs of athletes while also taking religious diversity into consideration said the organizers.


在餐饮服务上,北京、延庆、张家口三个冬奥村(Olympic Village)的服务标准、时间和内容统一。设置12种餐台,每天约200道菜供各国运动员食用(around 200 dishes will be available for athletes each day),以每8天为一个周期进行轮换。每餐都有一系列素食和清真菜式,并提供犹太洁食服务(vegetarian halal and kosher meals will be available),满足不同口味、不同宗教的特定饮食需求,让运动员充分感受中国的热情好客(Chinese hospitality)。

冬奥会赛时恰逢中国传统春节(the 2022 Winter Olympics coincides with China's Spring Festival),菜单将围绕“中国年味”(elements of the Chinese Lunar New Year),与国际上的节日相结合,增添特色饮食餐品供应,充分展示国家化餐饮服务特色。中国特色菜品(famous local dishes)包括西湖牛肉羹、木须肉、酱爆鸡丁等,结合中国东西南北美食(cuisines from all over China)主题,展示中国饮食文化的丰富性与多样性,有川菜、粤菜、鲁菜、湘菜等,让世界各地运动员充分感受、体验中国美食文化魅力(enable global athletes to fully experience Chinese cuisine)。


冬奥会(冬残奥会)赛时期间,奥运村部餐饮处(the catering service)严格遵守疫情防控要求。在运动员餐厅出入口(the entrance and exit of the restaurant)、取餐流线(the food distribution area)等关键点位,设置防疫用品台,摆放口罩、手套、酒精棉片(alcohol cotton pads)和免洗手消毒剂(hand-washing disinfectants)等消毒用品。进门后,设有智能保温取餐柜,实现人员分流就餐;设有智能引导机器人(guiding robots),提供咨询、引导服务。餐厅使用可降解环保餐具(biodegradable tableware),充分体现绿色办奥(hold a green Olympic Games)的理念。冬残奥会期间在运动员餐厅增设更多的无障碍餐饮服务(barrier-free access),增设可移动座位、设计盲文菜单(braille menus)、对菜签采取大字号进行标识。


运动员菜单 menu for athletes

赛区 competition zones

就餐区 dining areas

智能消毒机 intelligent disinfection devices

常见香料 commonly used spices

药检 doping tests

北京烤鸭 Peking Roast Duck

宫保鸡丁 Kung Pao Chicken

木须肉 Moo Shu Pork

四喜丸子 Braised Pork Balls in Gravy

驴打滚儿 Lǘdagunr(glutinous rice rolls stuffed with red bean paste)

豌豆黄 Pea Flour Cake



