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意大利神秘之境纪录片(从不被认可到广受好评)Filmed at the same locations and following the same stories as Antonioni’s film the first episode of the five-episode series Seeking Chung Kuo was previewed at the Embassy of Italy in Beijing on Tuesday.寻找中国Chung Kuo Cina was not publicly shown in the country until 2004 when it was screened at the Beijing Film Academy. 2004年,在北京电影学院举办的“安东尼奥尼电影回顾展”上,该片第一次在中国被公映。‘Seeking Chung Kuo’


The first thing any Italian who wants to understand China does is go seek out reputed Italian film director Michelangelo Antonioni’s 1972 documentary Chung Kuo Cina says Italian journalist Gabriele Battaglia also known as Lao Gao in a voice-over at the beginning of a new Chinese docu-series about the film.

“我想每一个意大利人刚开始接触中国的时候,他们最先找到的资料可能就是安东尼奥尼的电影,”一位意大利记者加布里埃尔·巴塔利亚(Gabriele Battaglia)在纪录片《寻找<中国>》的中独白道。《寻找<中国>》是一部在《中国》基础上拍摄的影片。影片中的巴塔利亚旅居中国多年,人们亲切地称呼他为“老高”。老高所说的这部电影,正是意大利电影大师米开朗基罗·安东尼奥尼所拍的纪录片《中国》。


During the 1970s before Beijing implemented its reform and opening-up policy Antonioni’s movie was denounced as “an anti-China film.” The director was devastated by this according to his wife Enrica Antonioni who went to China to shoot the film.


Chung Kuo Cina was not publicly shown in the country until 2004 when it was screened at the Beijing Film Academy.


‘Seeking Chung Kuo’


Filmed at the same locations and following the same stories as Antonioni’s film the first episode of the five-episode series Seeking Chung Kuo was previewed at the Embassy of Italy in Beijing on Tuesday.



Similar to the first episode the following four are also based on several documentaries by foreign directors filmed in China during the 1970s. They examine the changes and development of the country over the past four decades through the eyes of ordinary people in China.


“These famous directors who came to China in the 1970s to shoot the documentaries all came from developed countries – Italy Japan France and the US. It was not that common for foreigners to visit China back then. To some extent their work shaped how the world viewed China ” Zhu Yun showrunner of the new documentary series told the Global Times.

“这些著名的导演在70年代来到中国拍纪录片。他们全都来自发达国家,如意大利、日本、法国和美国。那时候并没有很多外国人来中国。某种程度上来讲,他们的作品影响了世界如何看待中国,” 系列纪录片《从中国到<中国>》总导演朱允在接受环球时报英文版的采访时如是说道。

“The works in the 1970s by the foreign directors are like pieces of evidence that record the lives of ordinary Chinese back then. Through the new documentary series we want to show the world the lives of these same people more than 40 years later to show how China has changed… We want to continue the stories told by these masters and we want to know: ‘Has life been getting better for these people?’” she further noted.

“这些外国导演70年代的作品就好像一个个证据,记录了当时中国普通人生活的状况。通过拍摄这一系列新的纪录片,我们想通过同样的这批人,40多年间生活的变化,来向世界展示中国的变化。同时,我们也想把这些大师没讲完的故事讲完。‘这些人的生活有没有在变好?’我们带着这个问题去拍摄的,” 朱允补充道。


Last wish


Looking to establish a bridge between China and the world Antonioni was invited to China in 1972 by the Chinese government to shoot the documentary about the country shortly after Italy and China established diplomatic relations. Antonioni filmed in China for about five weeks. In his over-three-hour-long documentary he visits Beijing Shanghai and various towns and cities along the Yangtze River.


The documentary primarily focuses on the lives of working class people. However since it was deemed as not showing the country’s best side it was defined as “anti-China.”


However in 2004 the film was screened before an audience of 800 at the Beijing Film Academy one of China’s top higher education institutions specializing in film production.


While Antonioni did not attend the screening he and his wife sent a letter to express his gratitude to the audience and how happy he was that the film was finally screening in China after such a long wait.



“He would have gone to the screening ceremony. He loved watching his work with the audience and observing their reactions especially with young people. Yet he had lost his ability to speak by then so he didn’t attend the ceremony in China ” recalls Enrica in the first episode.


Although Antonioni never returned to China before he died in 2007 he was able to pass away knowing that Chinese audiences finally were able to appreciate his work.

安东尼奥尼再也没能回到中国,2007年,这位奥斯卡终身成就奖获得者,离开了人世。 但他在离世之前,得以知道,他的作品在中国已经被接受,被欣赏。


Continuing the sotry

Liu Weifu the director of the first episode said his favorite scene is when Battaglia sits down with Ma Yongxi who was in his mid-20s when he appeared in the original film. Unlike many people who shied away from the camera in Antonioni’s original work the 70-something Ma immediately welcomed Battaglia by giving him a big two-handed shake.


“We used to live in a small shabby house built from mud when Antonioni came to shoot his film. Then we moved to a big house in the north. Now we are about to move to a new apartment in a tall building ” Ma says.


Liu explained that in his opinion Antonioni’s work was very objective in the way he recorded the lives of people in China back then. By visiting the same people nowadays and seeing how their lives turned out can more objectively reflect the changes that have taken place in China such as those experienced by Ma.


“When I was holding Ma Yongxi’s hands I felt that China is really changing. It was a feeling of warmness as well as trust ” Battaglia says in a voice-over during the scene.



原文/翻译:Bi Mengying

图:意大利驻华大使馆文化中心、Bi Mengying
