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怎么利用碎片时间学英语(碎片时间学英语)me time 个人时间,私人时间B : I know. I really need a break.是啊,我真的需要休息一下了。重点短语:


A:Do you have any plans for this weekend? 你这周末有什么计划吗?

B: Not yet. I have so much work to do. 还没有,我还有好多工作要做。

A: You've been overworking for two weeks. You need some me time !你已经连续加班两周了,你需要一些个人时间!

B : I know. I really need a break.



me time 个人时间,私人时间

The best part is that there's no need to feel guilty because taking some "me time " in this case could help your business in the long run. 最棒的是,既然这样,你完全没必要因给了“自我”一点时间而感到内疚,因为从长远来看这非常有利于您的事业。

My boss allowed me to take some me time this afternoon. 我老板今天下午给了我一些私人时间。

Let's give Amy some me time. She's been under alot of pressure.让我们给Amy一些个人时间吧,她最近真的压力很大。

