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特朗普绯闻为什么那么多(她因为死亡凝视)图 via CNBC/Getty只见她眼里泛着泪光,慷慨激昂地反复质问了好几遍“ 你们怎敢这样”。“We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!” she sermonized.她说教 道:“我们正处于大规模灭绝的开始,而你们讨论的永远都只有金钱和永恒经济增长的童话。你们怎敢这样 !” ‘Mass hysteria’: German lawmakers warn Greta Thunberg’s climate activism threatens rational debate (via RT)

瑞典少女格蕾塔·桑伯格(Greta Thunberg)因为“死亡凝视”特朗普火了,而随后在联合国气候大会的发言更让她成为人们议论的焦点 。


图 via 网络

In a provocative speech at the UNGA Climate Action Summit on Monday 16-year-old Thunberg accused world leaders of stealing her “dreams” and her “childhood” by not doing enough to combat climate change.


“We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!” she sermonized.

她说教 道:“我们正处于大规模灭绝的开始,而你们讨论的永远都只有金钱和永恒经济增长的童话。你们怎敢这样 !”

‘Mass hysteria’: German lawmakers warn Greta Thunberg’s climate activism threatens rational debate (via RT)

只见她眼里泛着泪光,慷慨激昂地反复质问了好几遍“ 你们怎敢这样”。


图 via CNBC/Getty


来源: 腾讯视频




Just how inspiring or even persuasive you find Greta’s speeches and overall activism likely depends on where you stand on the political spectrum. There are plenty of politicians and regular voters claiming to be inspired by her words and passion. There are also lots of observers expressing general alarm at what they see as an indoctrinated child being coerced by adults to make their political arguments with her youth as a shield from any criticism.

你觉得桑伯格的演讲和她整体的环保行为有多么鼓舞人,甚至有多少说服力,可能取决于你的政治立场。 有很多政客和普通选民声称听了她的话、看到她的热情后受到很大鼓舞。 也有很多观察员普遍表达了担忧,他们看到的是一个被洗脑了的孩子被成年人强迫代替他们进行政治争论,因为她的年幼可以作为免受任何批评的挡箭牌。

How 16-year-old Greta Thunberg’s rise could backfire on environmentalists (via CNBC)


Greta Thunberg’s highly emotional approach to climate change activism threatens level-headed debate on the subject German lawmakers have cautioned.


MP Roderich Kiesewetter a member of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) said that Thunberg was attempting to bully those who seek respectful fact-based dialogue about environmental issues.


“Anyone who wants to argue rationally is already discredited from the outset ” he wrote adding that objectivity was being thrown out the window.



截图 via Twitter

Another CDU deputy Jana Schimke accused Thunberg of spreading “incipient mass hysteria.”

另一名基民盟副手Jana Schimke则指责桑伯格,说她是在散布“早期歇斯底里症”。

Gerd Müller the minister of economic cooperation and development noted in response to the activist’s fighting words that “climate protection does not start with Greta Thunberg.”

经济合作与发展部长格尔德·穆勒在回应这位环保人士的激烈言论时指出,“气候保护并不是从格蕾塔·桑伯格才开始的。 ”



资料/图:RT CNBC Twitter 微博
