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野生动物园 老年人(82岁老人独自经营动物园33年)

野生动物园 老年人(82岁老人独自经营动物园33年)罗应玖独自运营凤凰山动物园且身兼数职,园长、保洁员、饲养员、兽医和售票员都是他一人。At the one-man Fenghuang Mountain Zoo Luo serves as director cleaner breeder vet and conductor.罗应玖的动物园 图源:澎湃The old design of the animals' living quarters and the iron railings hint at the history of the zoo and its "obsoleteness".动物生活区的老旧设计和铁围栏显示着动物园的历史和“衰败”。

野生动物园 老年人(82岁老人独自经营动物园33年)(1)

One man and his menagerie


Despite various difficulties for 33 years Luo Yingjiu 82 has run a small zoo in Enshi Hubei province on his own.


野生动物园 老年人(82岁老人独自经营动物园33年)(2)

罗应玖的动物园 图源:澎湃

The old design of the animals' living quarters and the iron railings hint at the history of the zoo and its "obsoleteness".


At the one-man Fenghuang Mountain Zoo Luo serves as director cleaner breeder vet and conductor.


野生动物园 老年人(82岁老人独自经营动物园33年)(3)

野生动物园 老年人(82岁老人独自经营动物园33年)(4)

野生动物园 老年人(82岁老人独自经营动物园33年)(5)

Most of the residents of the zoo are old and infirm many of which were saved by Luo. The zoo's lion tiger and python passed away years ago leaving only a bear some peafowls a troop of monkeys a Tibetan mastiff a wild boar two raccoons and about 20 dogs.


peafowl: n. 雌孔雀

mastiff: n. 獒,大驯犬

boar: n. 野猪; 公猪

racoon: n. 浣熊

Luo has given names to all the animals in the zoo and addresses them affectionately when he interacts with them.


A ticket only costs 10 yuan ($1.5) per person and it's free for children. But the zoo's appeal to locals has long since faded. It's not profitable and Luo has even fallen into debt to maintain the zoo.


In recent times due to the pandemic the number of visitors has dwindled to just several people a day.


While the world changes rapidly the zoo remains much the same and so does Luo's persistence and his love for the animals. Such an old-fashioned zoo seems incongruous even anachronistic in the modern age.


"Many people tell me to rest at this old age but my wish is to maintain the zoo with all my heart until my last day. Since I've shouldered the responsibility I shall never retreat from it " says the former soldier in the local dialect.


"I'm old in age but young in mind. The zoo is my lifetime's happiness."


His long white hair has seen him mistaken for a woman and once an elderly visitor insisted on calling him "younger sister". Once he cut his long hair but one of the monkeys didn't recognize him so he has kept it long ever since.


野生动物园 老年人(82岁老人独自经营动物园33年)(6)

留着白色长发的罗应玖 图源:中国日报

cinema worker to savior


After Luo retired from the army in 1978 he took a job at Qingjiang Cinema in Enshi.


Covered with thick forest the mountainous region has rich biodiversity.


While putting up posters advertising the cinema before dawn Luo saw people carrying large sacks to a nearby market. They were hunters from deep mountains hoping to sell wild animals for money.


"Animals are cute. They are friends to human beings and we should love them " Luo says. He started to buy the poor animals such as masked civets and muntjac deer and take them home as well as telling whoever would listen about the importance of protecting wildlife.


masked civet: n. 果子狸

muntjac deer: n. 麂鹿

野生动物园 老年人(82岁老人独自经营动物园33年)(7)

罗应玖的动物园中老旧的铁围栏 图源:澎湃

Gradually he ended up saving even more animals which being kept near the cinema began to attract the attention of their own audience.


In 1986 he opened an animal exhibition on the square of the cinema with support of the cinema's management drawing over 100 visitors in half a day.


In 1989 the local government invited Luo to open a zoo with his wild animals and promised that the operation model would be privately owned and subsidized by the authorities. They offered 20 000 yuan to build the zoo and Luo his children and the animals moved there.


"I found that locals wanted to see wild animals. Enshi was in need of a zoo which could broaden one's horizon. I wanted to do something for my hometown " Luo says.


On Jan 18 1990 People's Daily reported the opening of Luo's zoo and his kind deeds of saving its animals.


The annual supplement from the local government was about 2 000 yuan but that hasn't been in place since 1993 Luo says. In 1994 Luo applied to the authorities to seek public help but none was forthcoming.


His retirement salary is about 5 000 yuan per month which is sufficient to lead a decent life in a small place like Enshi.


However to cover the zoo's expenses he has spent all his savings and has even fallen into debt. "It's expensive to feed the lion tiger and python but I can't let the animals starve " he says.


野生动物园 老年人(82岁老人独自经营动物园33年)(8)

上世纪九十年代,罗应玖照顾动物园中的动物 图源:人民日报

He lives economically eats simple meals and never dines out at restaurants. Sometimes he picks up empty bottles to sell to support the zoo. But he's generous to the animals whose daily cost of food is now about 400 yuan due to the rising prices in recent years.


Over the years Luo has fully devoted himself to the zoo and persisted even when in 2006 the local government asked him to move to a more remote place during a transformation project.


He says his selflessness is something he has carried over from his army days. He joined the army in 1964 and became a member of the Communist Party of China in 1968. When he was set to retire from the army his senior officer told him to do good deeds for the people.


"My education in the army is indelible. The most important thing for a Party member is to put collective interest before their own " he says.


Labor of love


Living in the zoo himself Luo gets up at about 5 am checks the condition of the animals cleans their enclosures and goes to the market to buy feed for them before settling down at the gate to welcome visitors.


At night he observes the animals and refills their food and water and even gets up at around 2 am to tend to the older ones.

晚上,他观察动物情况并把它们的食物和水填满,甚至在凌晨 2 点左右起床照顾年长的动物。

野生动物园 老年人(82岁老人独自经营动物园33年)(9)

罗应玖照顾动物园中的一匹老马 图源:中国日报

He calls the bear Guaiguai which means "darling" in Chinese a common nickname for children.


It's been about 19 years since Guaiguai came to the zoo. When Luo first saw the creature it was missing a paw so he purchased Guaiguai for 3 000 yuan. It's illegal to trade bear paws in China which were once used as ingredients in rare cuisines and in traditional Chinese medicine.


Luo pays particular attention to the bear due to her aging condition-now Guaiguai can only eat soft food.


野生动物园 老年人(82岁老人独自经营动物园33年)(10)

He purchased an aging lion and tiger from a larger zoo in the hope of boosting visitor numbers to his own.


However since 2016 when the pair finally succumbeds to age footfall to the zoo has waned he says because people want to see "the kings of the jungle".

然而,自从 2016 年狮子和老虎相继去世后,动物园的人流量就减少了。他说,因为人们想看到“丛林之王”。

He recalls that in the 1990s when the zoo was in its heyday he would welcome about 100 people a day.


"It's not that easy to feed animals. You have to know about their different habits and characteristics. I used to observe their feces to learn about what they ate in the wildness " he says.


feces: n. 排泄物,粪便;渣滓

野生动物园 老年人(82岁老人独自经营动物园33年)(11)

罗应玖为动物们购买食物 图源:中国日报

He recently saved two sand badgers from a grocery market and after one month the duo which used to stay away from him seemed to be moved by his persistence and came to greet him when he brought them food.


"You have to be patient and gentle and you can never yell at them " he says.


Asked which animal is his favorite he says he treats all of his animals with equal affection without preference for anyone.


"Animals have a kind nature. They never hurt me. If they are treated well they will also be nice in return."


Support network


Starting from January Luo Wei 22 the old man's granddaughter began to post short videos of him looking after these animals online hoping to raise awareness of the zoo and give people a better understanding about her grandfather's work.


Some kindhearted people arranged the delivery of animal feed to the zoo via express courier after watching these touching videos. Luo Yingjiu is very grateful to those who're concerned about the zoo and has expressed his gratitude in the short videos.


His son and daughter have also devoted themselves to the zoo especially as it's the place where they lived and grew up. They have helped their father in caring for the animals since childhood.


野生动物园 老年人(82岁老人独自经营动物园33年)(12)

罗应玖和他的女儿 图源:澎湃

His daughter used to help him at the zoo until she died in 2008 of a congenital heart illness at the age of 33. He still remembers her last words: "I can't accompany you anymore. Please don't let the zoo close down."


Luo Wei says "All my family members love animals. My grandpa always tells me to be upstanding and to contribute to society and he's been practicing what he preaches over the years."


She will graduate from university this summer. She used to sit at the gate and sell tickets to the zoo when she was a kid.


野生动物园 老年人(82岁老人独自经营动物园33年)(13)

"His original intention remains unchanged and he labors at the zoo all year round. My family and I hope he can enjoy a happy life in his old age but we can't persuade him (to give up the zoo) so we can only support him."


Like her father she helps her grandfather when she's available for example when she returns to her hometown from school.


The cleaning is filthy and strenuous work. She recalls that her grandfather once hired someone to help but the man was scratched by an animal. So her grandfather has continued to work on his own.


野生动物园 老年人(82岁老人独自经营动物园33年)(14)

罗应玖在清理动物的围栏 图源:中国日报

"Some animals like the bear and the monkey look very aggressive but never behave like that with grandpa."





实习生:孟礼 房晓玥

野生动物园 老年人(82岁老人独自经营动物园33年)(15)

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