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牛津阅读树第一节(伴读牛津树1-08The)看封面,我们可以看到是爸爸,Chip Biff 将要去集市。Look at the cover we can see Dad Chip and Biff are going to the street fair.Have you ever been to a street fair? 你有去过集市吗?When I’m a child I loved the street fair.当我是孩子的时候,我很爱集市。


今天我们来读的绘本是< The Street Fair >


Street fair 集市,庙会

Fair 有市集的意思,这里就是我们通常说的集市,庙会

Have you ever been to a street fair? 你有去过集市吗?

When I’m a child I loved the street fair.


Look at the cover we can see Dad Chip and Biff are going to the street fair.

看封面,我们可以看到是爸爸,Chip Biff 将要去集市。


Look! A street fair! It looks fun! Ok let’s go!


Balloons for sale! Balloons for sale!


For sale 出售,卖

Biff there is a juggler. Chip do you like juggling?

Biff 有杂技演员。Chip 你喜欢杂耍吗?

Juggler 杂技演员

I wish I could do it too.



Look at the banner: HOME MADE

Cakes and Biscuits

看横幅写的什么:家里做的,自制的 蛋糕和饼干

Banner 横幅

Candy for sale. 卖糖果啦

Yummy candy. 好吃的糖果。

Listen to the music. 来听音乐。


A Trumpet 小号,喇叭

A Tambourine 铃鼓

And a Harmonica 口琴

And lots of yummy food too.


说食物不好吃可以用yucky food


Chip look at those boys! Brenda’s face painting.

Chip 看那些男孩。 布兰达脸妆。

Look! That girl looks like a tiger and that boy looks like a clown!

看! 那女孩看起来像老虎,那男孩看起来像小丑。

Right! It looks fun! 对,看起来很有趣。

Chip I want to have my face painted.

Chip 我想画脸妆


Dad Chip and Biff came home. They all got their faces painted.

爸爸,Chip Biff 回家了,他们都画了脸妆。

Mum Kipper and Floppy were Surprised when they saw their painting faces.

妈妈和Kipper Floppy 看到他们的脸妆都惊呆了。

Oh my gosh! 我的天哪。

What happened to you? 你们发生了什么?

We got our faces painted. 我们都画脸妆了。

Surprise! Surprise! Wow! 惊喜不! 哇!


Mum took the camera. 妈妈拿出了相机。

Smile everyone! Say “cheese”. 微笑噢,说茄子。

Cheese! 茄子

Ready? One two three! 准备,一,二,三,咔嚓!

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