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这本书最近非常受欢迎英语翻译(某宝找的英语翻译)That night the army of Song’s camp were drumming like thunder heard that the army of Jin thought they were going to attack the camp in the night therefore quickly gathered the troops to prepare for the battle.During the Kaixi period of the late Song Dynasty 1206 A.D. as the army of Jin continuously attacked the Central Plains the famous general of the Song Dynasty Bi Zaiyu fought against the


Beating the Drum with Suspended Goats -- A scheme to deceive the enemy




During the Kaixi period of the late Song Dynasty 1206 A.D. as the army of Jin continuously attacked the Central Plains the famous general of the Song Dynasty Bi Zaiyu fought against them and won several battles. Then Jin dynasty dispatched tens of thousands of elite cavalry to fight against the army of Song. At this time with only a few thousand troops the army of Song would certainly be defeated if they fought back. In order to conserve forces Bi Zaiyu was going to retreat temporarily. However the army of Jin have already reached the walls who would surely hunt down and kill them if knew that they were retreating which would bring heavy losses to the army of Song. When he was pondering how to hoodwink the army of Jin and transferred safely Bi Zaiyu heard the hoofbeat of horses outside the tent and a scheme came to his mind.


That night the army of Song’s camp were drumming like thunder heard that the army of Jin thought they were going to attack the camp in the night therefore quickly gathered the troops to prepare for the battle.


Whereas they only heard the drums beating without seeing the army of Song and the constant drumming made them unable to rest. The general of Jin speculated that this was a scheme to deceive them hence they ignored it. The drums which beat for two days and nights were fitful on the third day. The general of the Jin believed that the army of Song were already exhausted thereupon he dispatched troops to besiege the army of Song's camp. Seeing that they didn't respond they swarmed into the camp only to find that the army of Song had already evacuated. There were a group of goats with their hind legs tied up and hung in the camp under their front legs were the drums. The reason why the drums sounded weak on the third day was that the goats were exhausted.


It turned out that Bi Zaiyu’s army had evacuated safely that night after set up false flags outside the tent and beat the drums with the suspended goats.



