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童年趣事作文英语150字:抄书练字英语奇闻趣事13For example the number 17 if 1 is added to it is evenly divisible by 6; or the number 19 if 1 is subtracted from it is evenly divisible by 6.质数是只能被本身和1整除的数。质数有无数个。但任何一个质数(除了2和3)只要加上1或减去1,皆可以被6整除。古希腊人作出这一判断直到1952年首次用计算机来寻找完全数的这2000多年里,数学家们只发现了另外11个完全数。现在我们知道有24个。(最大的一个有12003位。)图盘来自网络A prime number is any number that can be divided only by itself and 1. There are an infinite number of primes. A



The Greeks considered the number 6 to be the first "perfect number" because it is the sum of all its divisors except itself. That is 6 is divisible by 1 2 or 3 and 1 2 3=6.

古希腊人认为6是第一个“完全数”,因为它是其本身之外所有约数之和,即6可以被1或2或3整除,而1 2 3=6。

In the more than 2000 years that elapsed between the time the Greeks made their determination and 1952 when computers were first used for this purpose mathematicians discovered only eleven more perfect numbers. We now know twenty-four. (The highest has 12003 digits.)





A prime number is any number that can be divided only by itself and 1. There are an infinite number of primes. Any one of those primes (except for 2 and 3) will become evenly divisible by 6 if you either subtract 1 from it or add 1 to it.


For example the number 17 if 1 is added to it is evenly divisible by 6; or the number 19 if 1 is subtracted from it is evenly divisible by 6.


