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bite me英语口语:双语听读LetPhoto: Ma Jian“荷”约之紫荆山公园"Green lotus leaves outspread as far as boundless sky pink lotus blossoms take from sunshine a new dye" written by poet Yang Wanli of the Southern Song Dynasty depicts a terrific view of blooming lotus flowers that can only be seen in summer. Let's take a look at these lovely blossoms during the Zhengzhou summer.“接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。”夏日初荷,是这个季节专属定制的美好。盛夏的郑州,“荷”你有约!Viewing ar

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NB: This may not be a word-for-word transcript.

Nicknamed "Green City" Zhengzhou never lacks of natural beauties during the four seasons of the year. Summer presents us with more gifts of nature such as the sweet watermelons red raspberries and early-season peaches. The first blooming summer lotus also has to be on the list. It's beautiful and makes us happy.


"Green lotus leaves outspread as far as boundless sky pink lotus blossoms take from sunshine a new dye" written by poet Yang Wanli of the Southern Song Dynasty depicts a terrific view of blooming lotus flowers that can only be seen in summer. Let's take a look at these lovely blossoms during the Zhengzhou summer.


Viewing area-Zijingshan Park


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Photo: Ma Jian

Lotuses are planted in many urban parks in Zhengzhou. But Zijingshan Park is undoubtedly your best choice if you are out hunting for that perfect photo. It was designed to look like a miniature of the water towns we have in southern China. In the morning the lotus pond is extraordinarily quiet the occasional frog croaks and bird chirps make the park an even more tranquil and secluded area. Above the overlapping leaves of jade rise pointy lotus buds like shy girls covering their radiant faces. Rambling along the wooden corridor and pavilion above the lotus pond we feel like entering a secluded land of idyllic charm.


Viewing area-

Zhengzhou Botanical Garden


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Photo: Li Xinhua

The misting system in the lotus pond in botanical garden creates a fairyland-like scene and viewing the flowers through the mist is a unique experience. The botanical garden has dedicated areas for different varieties of plants such as a ginkgo garden pine and cypress garden lily magnolia garden peony garden and bamboo garden. And a rock garden miniature landscape garden ornamental garden vines garden and other thematic gardens can be seen as well. The Zhengzhou Botanical Garden emphasizes botanical scientific application so people can learn a lot while visiting.


Viewing area-

Sinian•Putting Green

International Residential Community


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Photo: Ma Jian

This resort is a must for couples looking for that stunning wedding photos. The small bridge across the flowing water wooden boat waterwheels and lotus pond are picturesque while exploring. Looking around we find a pool of lotus leaves jostling each other tier upon tier seemingly trying to escape their confinement. With leaves and stems swaying in the breeze it's like faeries dancing at the grand gathering of the Abode of Immortals.


Beneath a canopy of green some pink and white lotus flowers are dotted here and there like scattered stars presenting the pond with a pure elegant and delightful outlook.


Viewing area-Xiliuhu Park


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Photo: Ma Jian

He Yuan(Lotus Garden) of Xiliuhu Park covers an area of nearly 10 000 square meters. Lotuses of different colors and varieties are planted here. In contrast to the jade green leaves the crystal-like white and brightly rouge-colored flowers are extraordinarily beautiful. Swaying in the wind they are like angels bringing warmth happiness and hope to viewers.


Viewing area-

Gushuyuan Garden

(Ancient Tree Garden)


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Photo: Ma Jian

Thanks to many streams flowing through the garden the lotus pond is surrounded by lush trees. The white and pink flowers standing one by one or clustering together are supported by their green calyxes and protected by giant trees in the garden.


A pleasant environment is a lovely place to enjoy the flowers and escape the summer heat. Complete sports facilities such as basketball courts tennis courts and a dance square in the garden offer people who love work out another opportunity to exercise in summer.


Viewing area-

Beilonghu Wetland Park


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Photo: Li Xinhua

Both lotuses and reeds grow luxuriantly in this large wetland area the extensive view of which makes us feel fresh and cool. Visitors coming with keen expectation for a beautiful flower tableaux are often intoxicated first by a waft of faint lotus fragrance before these come to the view.


Immersed in perfumed air viewers see how magnificent the flowers are and how beautiful life is in the city.


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Chief Planner丨Shi Dadong

Managing Editor丨Xiong Vivi

Text | Wang Yipin

Art Editor丨Wang Xiaoyu

Trainee Editor丨Xu Hanyu

Proofreader丨S. Jones (南非)

