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疯狂套娃小游戏:新型虐娃游戏(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)The funniest one was a little baby with three pancakes stuck on her head.最好玩的一个是一个小朋友脑袋上顶了三个饼。The trend started as a bored Orange County father's silly way to pass time. He posted the picture of his 3-week-old son with 5 cheerios on his nose on the parenting site he's running Life of Dad. By the next morning Life of Dad's social accounts were blowing up. Photos starting flooding



Cheerio Challenge is a hit on social media as dads compete to stack higher and higher towers of Cheerios on their sleeping children.奶爸们互相比拼看谁能在自家娃熟睡时在他们脸上多放几个麦圈,“麦圈挑战”由此成为社交媒体热门话题。

Unlike the Ice Bucket Challenge this one isn't designed to draw attention to any particular cause.It's just a simple challenge with a smile-inducing payoff.与“冰桶挑战”不同的是,“麦圈挑战”并没有特别的设计和缘由,纯粹是为了博大家一笑。


The trend started as a bored Orange County father's silly way to pass time. He posted the picture of his 3-week-old son with 5 cheerios on his nose on the parenting site he's running Life of Dad. By the next morning Life of Dad's social accounts were blowing up. Photos starting flooding in.最初,这只是美国加州奥兰治县一位熊爸消磨时间的方式。他把自家3周大的儿子以及脸上放了5个麦圈的照片发布在自己运营的亲子网站Life of Dad上。第二天一早,这个网站的社交账号就开始被各种评论挤爆。他开始收到各式挑战照片。


There were dads who balanced upwards of 20.有的奶爸能在孩子脸上放20个麦圈。


Dads who went for multiple stacks. Or made a Cheerios pyramid.有的老爸在孩子脸上放了好几摞。还有的堆了个金字塔。


The funniest one was a little baby with three pancakes stuck on her head.最好玩的一个是一个小朋友脑袋上顶了三个饼。

(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)
