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使用按键精灵脚本时文字成乱码(按键精灵插件源码)function QMPlugin.filter_spec_chars(s) local ss = {} local k = 1 while true do if k > #s then break end local c = string.byte(s k) if not c then break end if c < 192 then if (c >= 48 and c <= 57) or (c >= 65 and c <= 90) or (c >= 97 and c <= 122) then table.inser




关于在大量字符中提取指定字符,最常用的方式就是正则匹配,在按键中使用的是lua正则匹配,关于数字、字母在lua中都用明确的正则表达式,但是中文没有,一般会用[\128-\254] 这个表达式:

Import "shanhai.lua" Dim str="你好囧犇hello 水电费world3aasdas50849638" Dim 汉字=shanhai.RegexFind(str "[\128-\254] ") TracePrint 汉字(0)

这个意思是提取ascII码 128-254,如果字符串中含有一些特殊符号,比如表情符号,就会当成中文处理,这样就不准确了。




function QMPlugin.filter_spec_chars(s) local ss = {} local k = 1 while true do if k > #s then break end local c = string.byte(s k) if not c then break end if c < 192 then if (c >= 48 and c <= 57) or (c >= 65 and c <= 90) or (c >= 97 and c <= 122) then table.insert(ss string.char(c)) end k = k 1 elseif c < 224 then k = k 2 elseif c < 240 then if c >= 228 and c <= 233 then local c1 = string.byte(s k 1) local c2 = string.byte(s k 2) if c1 and c2 then local a1 a2 a3 a4 = 128 191 128 191 if c == 228 then a1 = 184 elseif c == 233 then a2 a4 = 190 c1 ~= 190 and 191 or 165 end if c1 >= a1 and c1 <= a2 and c2 >= a3 and c2 <= a4 then table.insert(ss string.char(c c1 c2)) end end end k = k 3 elseif c < 248 then k = k 4 elseif c < 252 then k = k 5 elseif c < 254 then k = k 6 end end return table.concat(ss) end



traceprint xm.filter_spec_chars(str)


