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bbc评选的50大一生必游之地:TripAdvisor最新推荐 10个值得一去的城市

bbc评选的50大一生必游之地:TripAdvisor最新推荐 10个值得一去的城市Don't miss: Photography Museum Ben Youssef Madrasa Jemaa el-Fnaa不要错过:摄影博物馆、本·优素福宗教学院、赛义德-埃尔广场Your local farmers' or flea market may be a fun place to spend a Saturday morning but it's got nothing on Marrakech's markets.当地农民的市场或者跳蚤市场都是周六早上闲逛的好去处,但马拉喀什市场上什么都没有。Europe and Asia meet in Istanbul and throughout this vibrant city you'll find centuries-old mosques churches and markets happily co-exi

bbc评选的50大一生必游之地:TripAdvisor最新推荐 10个值得一去的城市(1)

1. London United Kingdom英国伦敦

There's so much to see and do in London it's easy to be overwhelmed. No matter what your interests you'll probably find something here. Art lovers should make a beeline for the National Gallery and the Tate Modern. If military history's your thing don't miss the Cabinet War Rooms.伦敦有这么多能看的、能做的,让你很容易就会不知所措。无论你的兴趣点是什么,在这儿都能找到些让你感兴趣的东西。艺术爱好者可以直接去国家美术馆和泰特现代艺术馆。如果你喜欢军事史,不要错过战时内阁博物馆。

Don't miss:British Museum Churchill War Rooms St. James's Park不要错过:大英博物馆、战时内阁博物馆、圣·詹姆斯公园

bbc评选的50大一生必游之地:TripAdvisor最新推荐 10个值得一去的城市(2)

2. Istanbul Turkey土耳其伊斯坦布尔

Europe and Asia meet in Istanbul and throughout this vibrant city you'll find centuries-old mosques churches and markets happily co-existing with modern restaurants galleries and nightclubs.欧洲和亚洲交汇于伊斯坦布尔,在这个充满生机的城市到处都能找到有数百年历史的清真寺、教堂和市场,与现代的饭店、艺术馆和夜店很好地交错在一起。

Don't miss: Suleymaniye Mosque Kariye Museum (The Chora Church) Sultanahmet District不要错过:苏莱曼清真寺、卡里耶博物馆(柯拉修道院教堂)、苏丹艾哈迈德区

bbc评选的50大一生必游之地:TripAdvisor最新推荐 10个值得一去的城市(3)

3. Marrakech Morocco摩洛哥马拉喀什

Your local farmers' or flea market may be a fun place to spend a Saturday morning but it's got nothing on Marrakech's markets.当地农民的市场或者跳蚤市场都是周六早上闲逛的好去处,但马拉喀什市场上什么都没有。

Don't miss: Photography Museum Ben Youssef Madrasa Jemaa el-Fnaa不要错过:摄影博物馆、本·优素福宗教学院、赛义德-埃尔广场

bbc评选的50大一生必游之地:TripAdvisor最新推荐 10个值得一去的城市(4)

4. Paris France法国巴黎

Everyone who visits Paris for the first time probably has the same punchlist of major attractions to hit: The Louvre Notre Dame The Eiffel Tower etc. Just make sure you leave some time to wander the city's grand boulevards and eat in as many cafes bistros and brasseries as possible. And don't forget the shopping.每个第一次来巴黎的人可能都去相同的几个主要景点:卢浮宫、巴黎圣母院、埃菲尔铁塔等等。你一定要留出时间去巴黎的林荫大道漫步,尽可能多去几家咖啡馆、酒吧和啤酒吧吃点东西。别忘了购物。

Don't miss: Musee d'Orsay Pont Alexandre III Sainte-Chapelle不要错过:奥塞美术馆、亚历山大三世桥、圣礼拜堂

bbc评选的50大一生必游之地:TripAdvisor最新推荐 10个值得一去的城市(5)
