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bbc评选的50大一生必游之地:TripAdvisor最新推荐 10个值得一去的城市

bbc评选的50大一生必游之地:TripAdvisor最新推荐 10个值得一去的城市Don't miss: Le Domus Romane di Palazzo Valentini Colosseum Borghese Gallery不要错过:乐多莫斯罗曼瓦伦蒂尼宫、罗马斗兽场、波格赛美术馆It's nicknamed the Eternal City for a reason. In Rome you can drink from a street fountain fed by an ancient aqueduct. Rome is also a city of contrasts—what other place on earth could be home to both the Vatican and La Dolce Vita?它被赋予“不朽之城”这个别名是有原因的。在罗马,你能直接喝街道喷泉里的水,是从古渠道流过来的。罗马也是一个对比强烈的城市——还

5. Siem Reap Cambodia柬埔寨暹粒市

Siem Reap is a fast-growing city with plenty of new hotels restaurants and nightclubs. But chances are you're here not because of the city itself but for what's nearby: amazingly well-preserved ancient temples. Even if you have the worst jet lag ever drag yourself out of bed to be at Angkor archaeological Park when it opens—sunrise over Angkor Wat is worth losing sleep over.暹粒市是一个快速发展起来的城市,有很多新酒店、饭店和夜店。但很有可能你来这儿不是因为这个城市本身,而是因为附近的景点:保存特别完好的古寺庙。即使你的时差还没倒好,也要从被窝里爬起来,吴哥古迹公园一开门你就去——吴哥窟上面的日出绝对让你觉得少睡一会儿也值得。

Don't miss:Angkor Wat Bayon Temple Angkor Archaeological Park不要错过:吴哥窟、巴戎寺、吴哥古迹公园

bbc评选的50大一生必游之地:TripAdvisor最新推荐 10个值得一去的城市(1)

6. Prague Czech Republic捷克布拉格

Sure everyone's heard of it but it's still a grand city with extraordinary historic and cultural sights and it's definitely worth a visit. The often-rebuilt Prague Castle has overlooked the city since the 9th century and the synagogues and cemetery of the Jewish Quarter are must-sees. Nightlife here is diverse and plentiful.当然每个人都听说过这个城市,但它仍然是一个拥有非凡历史文化和名胜奇观的大都市,绝对值得一游。多次改建的布拉格城堡从9世纪开始俯瞰这座城市,犹太区的集会和公墓是必去之地,这儿的夜生活丰富多彩。

Don't miss: Old Town Square St. Vitus Cathedral Lobkowicz Palace不要错过:老城广场、圣维塔大教堂、布科维茨宫

bbc评选的50大一生必游之地:TripAdvisor最新推荐 10个值得一去的城市(2)

7. Rome Italy意大利罗马

It's nicknamed the Eternal City for a reason. In Rome you can drink from a street fountain fed by an ancient aqueduct. Rome is also a city of contrasts—what other place on earth could be home to both the Vatican and La Dolce Vita?它被赋予“不朽之城”这个别名是有原因的。在罗马,你能直接喝街道喷泉里的水,是从古渠道流过来的。罗马也是一个对比强烈的城市——还有哪个城市能同时容得下罗马教廷和《甜蜜生活》(电影名)?

Don't miss: Le Domus Romane di Palazzo Valentini Colosseum Borghese Gallery不要错过:乐多莫斯罗曼瓦伦蒂尼宫、罗马斗兽场、波格赛美术馆

bbc评选的50大一生必游之地:TripAdvisor最新推荐 10个值得一去的城市(3)

8. Hanoi Vietnam越南河内

The charming Vietnamese capital has aged well preserving the Old Quarter monuments and colonial architecture while making room for modern developments alongside. Lakes parks shady boulevards and more than 600 temples and pagodas add to the appeal of this city which is easily explored by taxi.迷人的越南首都历史悠久,保存有老城区、纪念碑和殖民地建筑,同时也为现代发展留出空间。湖泊、公园、林荫大道和600多座寺庙、宝塔都为这座城市增添了魅力,搭乘出租车就能轻松游览这些景点。

Don't miss: Old Quarter Vietnamese Women's Museum Vietnam Museum of Ethnology不要错过:老城区、越南妇女博物馆、越南人类学博物馆

bbc评选的50大一生必游之地:TripAdvisor最新推荐 10个值得一去的城市(4)

9. New York City New York纽约州纽约市

The first time you go to New York go ahead and be a sight-seer—everyone should visit the Statue of Liberty the Met Times Square etc. But on a return trip pick a neighbourhood and go deep. You'll find hole-in-the-wall bars great delis quirky shops… exploring the non-touristy side of New York is an incredibly rewarding experience for a traveller.你第一次来纽约的话就去游览一番吧——每个人都应该参观自由女神像、大都会艺术博物馆、时报广场等等。但如果是再次来,那么就选择一个地段深入探索,你会发现狭小的酒吧、很棒的熟食店、古怪的商店……探索纽约非旅游区的一面对游客来说非常值得一试。

Don't miss: Frick Collection The High Line Broadway不要错过:弗里克美术收藏馆、纽约高线公园、百老汇

bbc评选的50大一生必游之地:TripAdvisor最新推荐 10个值得一去的城市(5)
