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婚姻登记跨省通办试点地区有哪些(婚姻登记跨省通办)The new policy will enable people living outside their place of household registration to register their marriage or divorce in the pilot areas where they have resided for at least half a year and obtained a residence permit.婚姻登记“跨省通办”试点工作启动后,男女双方不仅可以在其中一方的户籍地进行婚姻登记,如一方当事人经常居住地在试点地区,也可在试点地区办理登记。【词汇讲解】Save someone the trouble表示“帮某人省去麻烦”,如果想说明麻烦的具体内容,后面可以跟of 具体内容,比如:write it down and save yourself




China will pilot an inter-provincial marriage/divorce registration policy to save its growing migrant population the trouble of traveling. The pilot program will be first introduced in Liaoning Shandong Guangdong Chongqing and Sichuan among other provincial-level regions running from June 1 2021 to May 31 2023 the Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) announced Wednesday.



Save someone the trouble表示“帮某人省去麻烦”,如果想说明麻烦的具体内容,后面可以跟of 具体内容,比如:write it down and save yourself the trouble of remembering(写下来,你就不用费心去记了)。

根据2003年颁布的《婚姻登记条例》,内地居民自愿结婚的,男女双方应当共同到一方当事人户籍所在地(place of household registration)的婚姻登记机关办理结婚登记。


The new policy will enable people living outside their place of household registration to register their marriage or divorce in the pilot areas where they have resided for at least half a year and obtained a residence permit.



说到“居住”的时候,上面的报道中用了reside这个词,我们就简单说一下reside、dwell、live、lodge以及inhabit这几个词的区别。Reside是一个比较正式的用词,通常表示“to dwell permanently or continuously”,即“长期或永久居住”;dwell和live可以互相替换使用,都表示“居住”,时间可长可短;lodge指短时间或临时住宿,比如:the refugees need to be lodged and fed(需要解决这些难民的食宿问题);inhabit指“to occupy as a place of settled residence or habitat”,即“将某地作为常住地或栖息地”,强调人或动物居住在某个地区并已适应某种特殊环境。



Around 493 million people lived outside their place of household registration in 2020 with those aged between 15 and 35 accounting for more than 70 percent.2020年,我国有4.93亿人处于“人户分离”的状态。流动人口中15岁至35岁的人员占了总量的70%以上。


The policy is aimed at solving people's practical difficulties and meeting their needs. Such changes to marriage registration procedures are an inevitable trend of social development.婚姻登记“跨省通办”试点是以解决群众实际困难、满足群众迫切需求为导向,正逢所需,正当其时。


常住人口 permanent residents population/population of long-term residents

积分落户制 points-based household registration system

居住证 residence permit

流动人口 migrant population

人口承载能力 population capacity

户口迁移政策 household registration transfer policy


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

