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查字典快速又准确的妙招,巨变学习法系列巧用字典续Recommended Dictionaries字典推荐衷心祝愿心怡字典成为你的生活伴侣! 此续篇为如何使用字典的收藏篇,有用字典的中肯建议。在此章节中,罗恩教育团队推荐了实用的英英字典,像权威性牛津英文字典The Oxford Dictionary早已以高、初阶英英双解等形式翻译版在我国早已问世,文中列举的特殊版本尚未见中文双英。了解这部分内容后,个人可以根据自己英语进阶或国际深造需求增添新的更适合自己的英中或双解字典。我导师早对所谓袖珍型或Dinky不正规的小字典颇有微词,罗恩体系院校培训机构基本都是杜绝用此类字典清查字词的。网络字典的便捷,小小袖珍字典已完成一段历史使命,但学生课堂家庭还在广泛使用,要警惕其字义不全不准等危害。建议家庭和培训机构慎用小小字典,中等难度大部头字典查字必备。也可查阅本主页清理误字梯度等文图,获得利用网络字典的先决条件。 作者介绍的词典范围广,高阶的更主要针




“进修”生肤色、年龄、阅历不同,课堂督导体系用进度表控制每个学生资料完成;上限20人小班,可能不同科目在”自学”或配对进行中。同一科目进度每个人也不同。考试时间个性化不用统一,每次考试成绩总可以由督导指导重考而终获满分。各类字典,督导下自学为主的成人每个人至少有两本属于个人适用的心怡字典。记得在洛杉矶罗恩.贺伯特职工学院读书时,学前班用旧的《简明英汉词典》已翻碎成“历史文物”,用双英字典逐渐成习惯,还特为清字时梯度与局限定义和造句,添置了《儿童字典牛津 Oxford Children's Dictionary》 美国同学也争相借阅。督导 Ribaca 兴致勃勃,号召个班级英文字典查找比赛,像我在小学查四角号码比赛一样冲锋在前!虽理解英文总要老美帮忙,而翻英语字典最多的“黄脸乌龟”查字典速度总是头名,气得美语学霸直耸肩膀。美国应用教育学会的教师培训和其中小学也重磅推荐和应用罗恩导师的如何用英文字典内容。经该学会培训的教师在世界各地活跃着,教学质量或学习成绩与参照组对比总是遥遥领先。包括原上世纪八十年代我国教育部派出的赴美应用教育学会进修的山东等地中学教师。



其实最有资格评说字典的应是华人。中国古代字典编纂机构和沿革在世界文化史上曾留下浓墨重彩。《说文解字》 是中国第一部按部首编排的中文字典,由汉朝许慎编著。原作写於100年到121年 比起西方开始编写英文字典早数个世纪不止。传至今日的《解字》大多是宋朝版本 或者是清朝的段玉裁注释本。主要逐字解释字体来源。许慎写完之后 献给汉安帝。全书共分540部首 收字9353个 另有“重文”即异体字1163个 共10516字。堪称字典”大哥大”。中国历代皇家耗财编撰字典词源,传为佳话,当今各类英语字典翻译引进编纂也量大质高。只可惜国人用纸质字典的习惯在应试激流与电子潮中消退。像查英文词一样,网络提供了快速查词的方便,由于其收录高端高阶词典与例句,也存在过高的梯度、大量生词造成更多误字,尤其难度超高,并不适合初阶和尚未掌握学习方法的一般学子。



此续篇为如何使用字典的收藏篇,有用字典的中肯建议。在此章节中,罗恩教育团队推荐了实用的英英字典,像权威性牛津英文字典The Oxford Dictionary早已以高、初阶英英双解等形式翻译版在我国早已问世,文中列举的特殊版本尚未见中文双英。了解这部分内容后,个人可以根据自己英语进阶或国际深造需求增添新的更适合自己的英中或双解字典。




Recommended Dictionaries字典推荐

Dictionaries are vital and important tools in studying or learning any subject. However current dictionaries vary in accuracy and usefulness and many of these modern dictionaries are virtually useless and can confuse a student due to their false and omitted definitions and grammatical error. So the dictionary that a student chooses to use is important and can actually make a difference in his success as a student.

As dictionaries are such an important factor in the leaning and application of any subject a list of some dictionaries that have been found to be the best of those currently available is included here.

Webster's New World Dictionary for Young Readers:

This is a very simple American dictionary. It is available in most bookstores and is published by New World Dictionaries/Simom and Schuster. It is a hardbound volume and does not contain derivations. When using this dictionary a student must be sure to clear the derivation in a larger dictionary. The

definitions in this dictionary are quite good.

Oxford American Dictionary: This is a very good dictionary simpler than the college dictionaries yet more advanced than the beginning dictionary listed above. It does not list derivations of the words. It is quite an excellent dictionary and very popular with students who want to use an intermediate dictionary.

It is published in paperback by Avon Books and in hardback by Oxford University Press:

Webster's New World Dictionary of American Language Student Edition:

This is an intermediate-- level American dictionary which includes derivations. It is published by New World Dictionary/Simon & Schuster and available in most bookstores.










The Random House College Dictionary

This is a college dictionary and somewhat of a higher gradient than the dictionaries listed above. This is a one --volume American dictionary published in the US by Random House Inc. and in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited. This Random House dictionary containes a large number of slang definitions and idioms and also gives good derivations.

The Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language College Edition:

This is an American college dictionary published by New World Dictionary/Simon&Schuster. It is a one-- volume dictionary and gives most of the slangs definitions and idioms. It also has good derivations.

The Concise Oxford Dictionary:

This is a very concise English dictionary but it is not a simple or beginner's dictionary. It is a small one-- volume dictionary. It uses a lot of abbreviations which may take some getting used to but once the abbreviations are mastered students find this dictionary as easy to use as any other similarly advanced dictionaries. It is less complicated in its definitions than the usual college dictionary and has the added benifit that the definitions given are well stated ---in other words it does not give the same definition reworded several different definitions the way some dictionaries do.

This dictionary is printed in Great Britain and the US by the Oxford University Press.





《韦氏新世界美语字典 学院版》



这是本简明的英文字典,却非一部简单字典,也非初学者所适合用。这是本小单行本,用了许多缩写。有些人要熟悉一段才会使用。但一经熟悉了缩写,学习者会发现,使用这部字典与其他类似较深的字典一样容易。比起一般院校字典,其定义不但不算复杂,还有额外优势,比如定义分述得体; 换言之,不像有些字典,把基本相同的定义措辞分解成好几个不同定义。



Dinky dictionaries“袖珍”小小字典

"Dinky Dictionaries" are the kind you can fit in your pocket. They are usually paperback and sold in magazine counters in drug stores and grocery stores.

In learning the meaning of words small dictionaries are often a great liability than they are a help.



The meaning they give are often circular: like" Cat: An Animal." "Animal: A Cat". They do not give enough meaning to escape the circle.

The meaning given are often inadequate to get a real concept of a word.

The word are too few and even common words are often missing.

Like pocketbook dictionary may have their uses for traveling and reading newspapers but they do get people into trouble. People have been seen to find a word in them and then look around in total confusion. For the dinky dictionary did not give the full meaning r the second meaning they really needed.

So the dinky dictionary may fit in your pocket but not in your mind.

Don't use a dinky dictionary.







