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英语圈老外最熟悉的中文词汇是这个词吗?英语圈老外最熟悉的中文词汇是这个“Yuan ” China's currency is third on the list while "gugong " the Chinese for the Palace Museum or the Forbidden City finished in fourth place. Chinese words about the martial arts such as "Qigong " "Taichi" and "Wushu" are also included on the list.榜单前十名揭晓↓↓↓中国外文局近日首次发布了《中国话语海外认知度调研报告》,此次调研旨在从拼音外译为切入点,从一个侧面研究中国话语在英语世界主要国家民众间的认知状况和中国话语在世界的认知走势。调研选取了美国、英国、澳大利亚、菲律宾、南非、加拿大、新加坡和印度等8个英语圈国家的民众作为调研对象,



From US President Donald Trump's granddaughter Arabella to Jim Rogers' daughter Happy Rogers quite a number of foreigners have either started to learn Chinese or prefer their descendants learn the language in recent years.



Meanwhile as an increasing number of foreigners are now looking towards the East many Chinese words have become a familiar sight.



The China International Publishing Group (CIPG) released a report on the most recognized Chinese words overseas. According to the report Shaolin from the Shaolin Temple – the most well-known Buddhist Temple internationally for its martial arts training – tops the list of the 100 most recognized Chinese words. According to the CIPG the report was based on surveys in eight English-speaking countries including the US UK Australia Philippines South Africa Canada Singapore and India.



“Yuan ” China's currency is third on the list while "gugong " the Chinese for the Palace Museum or the Forbidden City finished in fourth place. Chinese words about the martial arts such as "Qigong " "Taichi" and "Wushu" are also included on the list.

定睛一看,与功夫相关的词汇也是占据了Top 10的半壁江山。看来,中国功夫果然深入人心……




Many Chinese festivals such as the Double Ninth Festival the Lantern Festival Dragon Boat Festival and the Spring Festival have also become familiar to foreigners.


Dumplings (Jiaozi) hot pot (Huoguo) pancake (Jianbing) and steamed bun (Mantou) are among the eight food words that foreigners recognize the most. Many foreign students were inspired by Chinese pancake vendors and launched their own start-up catering businesses after returning to their own countries.



Chinese words related to the country’s politics and economy have also found their places on the list; for instance the Chinese words for the Belt and Road and China’s well-known high-speed railway. Also the names of the traditional fairy tales that are used for the Chinese spacecrafts Wukong and Chang’e have made the list.


Zhifubao or Alipay the online payment mobile application under China’s tech giant Alibaba was listed in the science and tech category.
