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幸福取决于什么是关于什么的(幸福来源于自己)To create happiness from your inside,you must learn to always love yourself,give credit to yourself when necessary,before anyone gets to criticizes you,be your number one critic,smile off negativity and always remind yourself that you are your number one happiness。当你在自己的内心发掘到了幸福的源泉,你就拥有了一道内在的屏障,保护你免受痛苦、忧伤、泪水等等的侵扰。大多数时候,如果你寻找幸福的源头是在歧途之中,就会导致许多现实中的问题,最终甚至会将你置于死地。我遇到过很多人,他们深陷抑郁,自卑自轻,就因为他们寻找幸福的地方是错误的。

We all live our lives,placing our happiness on diverse objects,sometimes on people , and sometimes on priorities。But the question is,what do we do,when they are all gone ?We fail to realize that our happiness is an inward thing,and that it should be created from the inside of us。



A lot of us have gone heartbroken on several occasions because our sources of happiness are gone from us。Happiness would never seize from you,when you place it on the’self factor,and when all you see in the picture is nobody and nothing else but your own self。



Someone once asked me,don’t you ever get angry?I smiled and replied;where will the anger come from。The reason being;I’ve permanently succeeded in blocking all the possible chances for anyone or anything to make me feel bad。



When you create an inward happiness source,you’re creating an inward security against pain,sorrow,or tears of all sorts。Most times,the misplacement of your happiness source can lead to real life issues that might even end up killing you。I’ve met a lot people who got depressed,who incubated low self-esteem because they misplaced their sources of happiness。



To create happiness from your inside,you must learn to always love yourself,give credit to yourself when necessary,before anyone gets to criticizes you,be your number one critic,smile off negativity and always remind yourself that you are your number one happiness。


