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the后加抽象名词是什么意思(G.O.A.T不是表示山羊)Example:这个表达背后有一个源于圣经的小故事,传说中犹太教徒会用山羊来净化他们的罪孽,替罪羊就是指被挑出来为其他人承担责任的人。有些“动物代称”并不是很友好,就好比你将一个人称为猪或者老鼠,但是我今天想说的不是这些。今天我想介绍四个关于动物指代人称的地道表达,一起开始学习吧!1) Scapegoat 替罪羊The meaning behind this word is very simple and originates from the bible where the Jewish people would use a goat to cleanse for their sins. A scapegoat is a person singled out or chosen to take the blame for others or someone on whom negativ


Animal names for people来自Echo陪你练口语00:0003:33


Hey guys this week I wanted to talk to you guys about animals. When I say animals I don’t really mean real animals what I actually mean is animal names that are used to call certain people.

Hello Echo的小伙伴们,这周我想跟你们谈一谈“动物”。当我提到“动物”这个词的时候,我指的不是真正的动物,而是用动物来指代人称。

Some of these meanings have negative purpose like if you were to call someone a pig or a rat but I don’t want to talk about those. Today I want to give you 4 words like those that I just said but more useful and socially accepted. Let’s get started!


1) Scapegoat 替罪羊

The meaning behind this word is very simple and originates from the bible where the Jewish people would use a goat to cleanse for their sins. A scapegoat is a person singled out or chosen to take the blame for others or someone on whom negative treatment is inflicted.



I believe that there are only a a few people that can be called aG.O.A.T. Michael Jordan in basketball Michael Jackson in music and Bruce Lee in kung Fu.


That’s all for this week.

Thanks guys for listening talk to you next time!



美化编辑 | Kilinno

封面图片 | 宇儿

审核校对 | 小津

