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Makingthe adjustment to studying abroad: Academic and cultural adaptation
One of the questions I often get is howstudents should best prepare for going to study overseas. Most of the time thisquestion is focused only on the academic aspects – what vocabulary listsstudents should learn how can they get higher marks or grades or how can theyget better results on their IELTS or TOEFL tests.
I think sometimes the preparation thatChinese students and their parents make when considering studying abroad doesnot completely take into account all the factors that are necessary to make theexperience a true success. The focusseems to be on simply choosing a “world-famous” university that will bringsufficient prestige to the student (and family) getting the necessary academicresults to be accepted by that university as well as spending a lot of timeand money on IELTS or TOEFL preparation so that the language requirement ismet.
But getting accepted by a foreignuniversity is only the first and arguably the easiest step in the process.Actually going overseas and beingsuccessful there is much more complicated and difficult but this is the partof the process I fear is so often underestimated and neglected. And making as successful transition to lifeabroad is key since as I often say the important thing is not what universitya student gets accepted into but what university the student actually graduatesfrom!
In the first place there is academicadaptation that students must make when they go to study overseas. Here it is important to understand severalkey differences between Chinese and western education. Rather than emphasizingthe accumulation and memorization of knowledge western systems focus on thepractical application of knowledge and skills independent and criticalthinking and working cooperatively in team or group settings. The teaching andexpected learning styles are quite different and students who lack experiencein a western model can encounter great difficulty. Add to that their lack oftrue language proficiency and it can be a great challenge to make the academicadaptation. In fact one of the biggest concerns I hear from my universitycolleagues in North America is the difficulty Chinese students have with theteaching and learning style they encounter there. For example Chinese studentsare often hesitant to work in groups – a major part of the learning processoverseas. As well they struggle with the independent nature of study wherethey are expected to generate their own questions and solutions to course-relatedtasks and problems.
Understanding the differences between thetwo methods is important and can help to prepare students for the reality theywill face. Probably the best solution is to try to find a high school programthat closely emulates the style of western education – ideally an internationalprogram that not only uses a western curriculum but that also employs awestern teaching and learning style.
But I think equally important to preparingto the academic transition is being prepared for the necessary culturaladaptation. There are numerous examples of Chinese students who are sooverwhelmed by the cultural challenges of studying abroad that they end upquickly failing in their courses and wind up being forced to return home oftenin shame.
Everyone who goes abroad to live and studywill experience culture shock. Culture shock is an experience a personmay have when one moves to a cultural environment which is different from one'sown; it is a kind of personal disorientation a person may feel whenexperiencing an unfamiliar way of life a move between social environments orsimply a transition to another type of life. Culture shock has various phases but the worst part of it involves feelings of isolation incompetence loneliness and depression.
Culture shock is made worse when studentslack adequate language skills when they don’t have previous experience orunderstanding of the new culture when they lack the necessary social skills tointegrate in the new culture and when they lack other necessary skills to dealwith the loneliness and isolation they will at times inevitably feel.
While it is not possible to completelyprevent culture shock there are some things you can do to get yourself readyfor the experience and to make it less of a problem when you do experience it.And this will not only make your academic success more likely but will help youenjoy the entire experience of studying and living overseas to the fullest.
Below are two simple but importantrecommendations that can go a long way in helping you avoid the worst of thatinevitable culture shock and so let you focus on the important task of doingwell in your university program
Learneveryday English
Obviously being proficient in English iscrucial in making a successful adaptation to life and study abroad. But as partof their language preparation many Chinese students focus on memorizing asmany complicated academic words as possible again focusing on getting a highIELTS score and not much beyond that. Having a good academic vocabulary iscertainly going to be helpful in your university classes (- as long as youreally can understand and USE the words and better still if your academic vocabulary is relevant toyour chosen field of study!).
But the truth is normal people don’t oftenuse their academic vocabulary in everyday life. They speak using idiomaticexpressions “slang” and other informal language. In order to navigate everyday encounters be able to make friends and have a more successful culturaladjustment it is important to learn how to speak everyday English! Yes you will possibly begin to learn this once you are there but during the firstcritical weeks and months can be very difficult to make friends if you don’tunderstand the nuances of normal social language. It can also be hard tounderstand your professors in class too! And this in turn can be very isolatingand lead to further difficulties and alienation.
The best way to learn to speak everydayEnglish is to be around native English speakers all the time and to use yoursocial English as much as possible even with your English-speaking Chinesefriends. Having ready access to English-speaking role models conversing withthem regularly and actually learning how to speak “social” English is what youreally need to become truly conversant in English.
Of course that can be hard here. A simple effectivesubstitute is to watch lots of English movies. It’s not quite the same thing but it can help you learn by hearing how English speakers actually speak –especially Hollywood movies. But don’t watch these movies with Chinesesubtitles! When you do that your brain actually stops listening to the Englishand all you really focus on is the “Chinese in your head”. Get into the habitof watching English movies with English subtitles so you can make theconnection between the sound of words in English with what they look like! Andpractice repeating and mimicking the expressions you hear. It’s not enough justto listen you have to practice speaking.
Another important method to help improveboth your academic and social language is to read in English every day. I don’tmean text books I mean things like novels and short stories and magazinearticles. These can help you see how social English is used learn aboutwestern culture and improve your reading skills. Studies show that by readingfor at least 20 minutes a day you end up reading 1.8 million words a year andthose who do score in the top 90th percentile for wordknowledge. By reading novels andmagazine articles you are reading everyday English the type of English thatpeople really use in everyday life and you are improving your vocabulary atthe same time!
Learnto cook (and shop!)
One of the things that can add to theimpact of culture shock is the different types of food you will encounter inparticular the lack of those uniquecomfort foods from your home town and family. Food is a very powerful part ofour social and cultural experience and identity and when you are feeling thatinevitable culture shock having access to those special foods from home can bea way to help deal with your feelings of loneliness and isolation and get youback on track. If you live in a big citywith a large Chinese population such as Vancouver Toronto San Franciscoetc. you will likely be able to find many of your familiar foods from home. Butmost universities are in smaller cities and towns and it may be hard to findrestaurants that offer those special foods you are familiar with. So the bestsolution is to learn how to cook for yourself and that means knowing whattypes of ingredients go into your favorite foods too. This way you can go intoa supermarket in your city and find everything you need to make that specialfood and then go back to your residence or dorm and prepare that specialcomfort food. And another bonus of this is that you can even share with yourdorm mates adding another opportunity to reach out and make friends with thenew people you are living with!
There is more that can be done of course.But it is important to understand that making a successful transition to livingand studying abroad is more complicated than just getting good scores andgetting accepted into a word-famous university. There are going to be manychallenges and the key is being as prepared as possible in advance for thosechallenges!