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地道英语口语天天练510句(最新日常英语口语900句学习)407.I have practical experience in management.我在管理方面有实际工作经验。406.Can I still apply for the open position?我还能申请这个空缺的职位吗?403.His secretary got it down.他的秘书把它记了下来。404.My dad is a pilot with the Airlines. 我爸爸是航空公司的飞行员。405.Do you have any jobs for a part-time tutor?你们有没有兼职家教的工作?




401.I'm the Project Manager.我是项目经理。

402.What kind of vacancies do you have?你们有哪些职位空缺?

403.His secretary got it down.他的秘书把它记了下来。

404.My dad is a pilot with the Airlines. 我爸爸是航空公司的飞行员。

405.Do you have any jobs for a part-time tutor?你们有没有兼职家教的工作?

406.Can I still apply for the open position?我还能申请这个空缺的职位吗?

407.I have practical experience in management.我在管理方面有实际工作经验。

408.As I’m a waiter I do a lot of shift work.作为一名服务员,我经常需要轮班。

409.He did the dirty work on that project.他在那个项目中做的是吃力不讨好的活儿。


431.You're a headhunter.你是中介公司吧!

432.I'm engaged in accounting.我做会计工作。

433.We're an Employment Agency.我们是中介公司。

434.The work is really hard. 这份工作很辛苦。

435.I'm qualified for this position.我有资格担任这个职位

436.What kind of work are you doing now?你现在正在做什么工作?

437.What are the duties that come with this job?这份工作有哪些职责?

438.My boss is very satisfied with my work.上司对我的工作表现非常满意。

439.English is really important for foreign trade corporation.英语对外贸公司很重要。

440.My previous job had nothing to do with my major.我先前的工作与我的专业无关。

441.She is the owner of an executive search firm. 她是一位主管中介公司的老板。

442.Why don't you come in and fill out an application?你为什么不过来填写申请表?

443.What are the requirements to apply for this position?应聘这个职位需要什么条件?

444.The groups have an indirect and large set of customers.这个团队有广泛的直接用户。


445.The painter depicted Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo. 画家描绘了滑铁卢战役中的拿破仑。

446.The painter modeled his style after that of Picasso. 这位画家模仿毕加索的绘画风格。

447.What are you responsibilities at yourpresent work unit?你在目前单位的工作职责是什么?

448.which job is that? We advertised several openings.我们刊登了好几项工作,是哪一项呢?

449.The accountant checked this unnecessary spending in good time.会计及时卡住了这笔不必要的开支。

450.What sorts of responsibilities does this secretary’s job involve?这份秘书工作涉及哪些职责?

451.The reason that I resigned was they never kept their promises.我辞职的原因是他们从不履行诺言。

452.I'm ready for the added responsibility in involves.我已经准备好承担伴随职位而来的更加重大的责任。

453.I hope to find a company where I can have a chance to use my knowleage.我希望找一个公司可以让我发挥才能。

454.We train our agency leaders to enhance their presentation skills.我们培训公司的管理层以增强其表达技巧。

455.The position for market sale manager is still available.市场销售经理的职位还缺人。

456.I worked in a small company where further promotion was impossible.在一家小公司工作,那里不可能有升职的机会。

457.You'll need to put in a lot of long hard hours to succeed in this field.需要长时间辛苦工作才能在这个领域取得成功。

458.I have to know about your company before I come to fill out an application.我得先了解你们公司,在我去填写申请表格之前。

459.My work includes journal entries,verifyingdata and reconciling discrepancies.我的工作包括填写日记账、核实数据、纠正误差。

460.You can learn everything have learned after 3 years experience in this position.在这个岗位工作3年,该学会的都已经学会了。

