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寓言故事大全120篇带拼音(双语寓言故事一百四十六)磨坊主、他的儿子和他们的驴Nothing can satisfy everyone. If you want to satisfy everyone no one will be satisfied.They had not gone far when they came upon a group of women and children. The miller heard them say "What a selfish old man! He rides the donkey in comfort and lets his poor little boy toil after him!" So he sat his son down behind him.As they went along they met some passers-by who asked

The miller his son and their donkey

The miller accompanied by his son drove his donkey to market hoping to find a buyer for him. On the way they met a group of girls who laughed and cried out "Did you ever see such a foolish father and son? They trudge along dusty roads when they could ride donkeys!" The miller was so impressed by what the girls said that he put his son on the donkey and followed him.

Presently they met some of his old friends who greeted them and said "You will spoil your son by letting him ride a donkey while you trudge along. Let him walk! Young lazybones he should experience the virtues of the world."

The miller took his friend's advice and changed places with his son and rode on the donkey while his son walked by.

They had not gone far when they came upon a group of women and children. The miller heard them say "What a selfish old man! He rides the donkey in comfort and lets his poor little boy toil after him!" So he sat his son down behind him.

As they went along they met some passers-by who asked the miller whether the donkey he was riding was his own or rented. He answered The ass was his own and he was on his way to market to sell it. "Goodness!" "The poor beast will be very tired out when he carries you to market and no one will care much about him. Isn't it better for you to carry it?" "It is as you say " said the miller "and we will try." So they got off the donkey tied the donkey's legs together with a rope and hung them up on a pole. At last the miller and his son came to town with the donkey and it became a very funny sight. People flocked to jeer and joke that they were a cold father and son. Some even called them crazy.

When they came to a bridge the donkey frightened by the noise and comical surroundings kicked the rope that held him fell into the water and drowned. The unfortunate miller in great vexation and shame fled home by the path. He realized that by trying to please everyone he had failed to please anyone and had lost his donkey.

Nothing can satisfy everyone. If you want to satisfy everyone no one will be satisfied.



磨坊主在儿子的陪同下,赶着他的驴去集市,希望为驴找一个买家。路上,他们遇到了一群姑娘,姑娘们一边笑一边大声说: “你们可曾见过这么愚蠢的一对父子?当他们可以骑驴时,却还要沿着满是灰尘的路吃力地走!” 磨坊主对姑娘们的话深有感触,于是,他让儿子骑在驴上,自己在一旁跟着走。

不一会儿,他们遇到了他的几个老年朋友,那些人向父子俩打了招呼,并说: “让儿子骑驴,而你自己在一旁吃力地走路,你会宠坏你的儿子的,让他走路!年轻的懒骨头,他该体验一下这世上的美德。”


他们没走多远,突然遇到一群妇女和孩子。磨坊主听到那群人说道: “这是一个多么自私的老头儿!他自己舒舒服服地骑着驴,却让他那可怜的小孩儿费力地跟着走!” 于是,他让儿子坐在他身后。

一路往前走着,他们又遇到几位行人,行人问磨坊主他骑着的驴是他自己的还是租来的。他回答 驴是自己的,正要去集市把驴卖了。“天哪!” 行人说, “当这个可怜的牲畜驮着你们到集市时,已经筋疲力尽了,没有人会看得上它的。你们驮着它不是更好吗?” “那就听你的,” 磨坊主说,“我们试一试。” 于是,他们从驴背上下来,用绳子把驴的腿绑在一起,挂在一根杆子上。最后,磨坊主和儿子抬着驴来到镇上,这成了一幅非常滑稽的景象。人们拥过来对此嘲笑讥讽,并开玩笑地说,他们是一对冷酷的父子,有些人甚至喊他们为疯子。


