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gre单词趣味记忆(GRE单词captious)■同: agreeable amicable compatible congenial frictionless unanimous united■e.g. finally found people who were kindred spirits when she joined the hiking club 她加入登山俱乐部的时候 终于发现了志向相同的人■反: humble moderate modest 谦逊的kindred 英 [ˈkɪndrəd] 美 [ˈkɪndrəd] n. 家族;相似;亲属关系 adj. 同类的;血缘的;同族的;类似的,相关的考点1: adj.类似的;具有相似或相近的起源,本性或性质的: having a similar or related origin nature or character


supercilious 英 [ˌsuːpəˈsɪliəs; ˌsjuːpəˈsɪliəs] 美 [ˌsuːpərˈsɪliəs] adj. 目空一切的,高傲的;傲慢的,自大的

考点1: adj.高傲的,傲慢的: feeling or showing haughty disdain

e.g. The aristocrat reacted to their breach of etiquette with a supercilious smile. 贵族对破坏他们破坏礼节的行为报以傲慢的一笑。

: arrogant assumptive bumptious haughty imperious pompous presumptuous overbearing superior

: humble moderate modest 谦逊的

kindred 英 [ˈkɪndrəd] 美 [ˈkɪndrəd] n. 家族;相似;亲属关系 adj. 同类的;血缘的;同族的;类似的,相关的

考点1: adj.类似的;具有相似或相近的起源,本性或性质的: having a similar or related origin nature or character

e.g. finally found people who were kindred spirits when she joined the hiking club 她加入登山俱乐部的时候 终于发现了志向相同的人

: agreeable amicable compatible congenial frictionless unanimous united

: disagreeable discordant disharmonious disunited incompatible inharmonious uncongenial 不一致不和谐的

decipher 英 [dɪˈsaɪfər] 美 [dɪˈsaɪfər] v. 破译,译解;辨认,解释,理解 n. 密电(或密信的)译文

考点1: vt.破译: to read or interpret (ambiguous obscure or illegible matter)

e.g. we deciphered the hidden message to find out when we were supposed to meet 破解了暗语后,发现我们要碰头

: break crack decrypt decode

: cipher encipher encode encrypt 加密

考点2: v.有清晰想法,理解,解读: to have a clear idea of

e.g. a convoluted thriller the plot of which I was never able to actually decipher 一部错综复杂的恐怖电影,情节我一直没有理解

: apprehend perceive recognize seize sense make out

vestigial 英 [veˈstɪdʒiəl] 美 [veˈstɪdʒiəl] adj. 退化的;残余的;发育不全的

考点1: adj.退化的,发育不全的: (of certain organs or parts of organisms) having attained a simple structure and reduced size and function during the evolution of the species

e.g. snake that has vestigial limbs 拥有退化四肢的蛇

: incomplete rudimentary undeveloped

: adult full-blown full-fledged matured ripe ripened 成熟的,发育完全的

captious 英 ['kæpʃəs] 美 [ˈkæpʃəs] adj. 挑剔的;吹毛求疵的

考点1: adj.吹毛求疵的,爱挑毛病的: marked by an often ill-natured inclination to stress faults and raise objections

e.g. a captious and cranky eater who has never met a vegetable he didn't hate 一个古怪又挑剔的食客,从来就没有他不讨厌的蔬菜

: carping caviling critical faultfinding hypercritical judgmental overcritical

: appreciative 表示欣赏的
