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plc计数器的基本用法(PLC基本知识--4.2)许多制造商只有一种或两种计数器,但它们可以用来向上计数、向下计数、双向计数。困惑了吗?你可能会说“怎么没有标准化”?别担心,不管制造商怎么称呼它们,理论都是一样的。计数器就是计数器就是计数器......Many manufacturers have only one or two types of counters but they can be used to count up down or both. Confused yet? Can you say "no standardization"? Don't worry the theory is all the same regardless of what the manufacturers call them. A counter is a counter is a counter...What ki

Counters / 计数器

A counter is a simple device intended to do one simple thing - count. Using them however can sometimes be a challenge because every manufacturer (for whatever reason) seems to use them a different way. Rest assured that the following information will let you simply and easily program anybody's counters.


What kinds of counters are there? Well there are up-counters (they only count up 1 2 3...). These are called CTU (count up) CNT C or CTR. There are down counters (they only count down 9 8 7 ...). These are typically called CTD (count down) when they are a separate instruction. There are also up-down counters (they count up and/or down 1 2 3 4 3 2 3 4 5 ...) These are typically called UDC(up-down counter) when they are separate instructions.

有哪些种类的计数器呢?嗯,有向上计数的计数器(他们只能数1、2、3......),这些被称为CTU(向上计数)、 CNT、C、或者CTR;有向下计数的计数器(他们只能倒数9、8、7......),当它们是单独的指令时,通常称为CTD(向下);也有双向计数器(他们向上或向下计数1、2、3、4、3、2、3、4、5......) 当它们是单独的指令时,通常称为UDC(双向计数器)。

Many manufacturers have only one or two types of counters but they can be used to count up down or both. Confused yet? Can you say "no standardization"? Don't worry the theory is all the same regardless of what the manufacturers call them. A counter is a counter is a counter...


To further confuse the issue most manufacturers also include a limited number of high-speed counters. These are commonly called HSC (high-speed counter) CTH (CounTer High-speed) or whatever.


Typically a high-speed counter is a "hardware" device. The normal counters listed above are typically "software" counters. In other words they don't physically exist in the plc but rather they are simulated in software. Hardware counters do exist in the plc and they are not dependent on scan time.


A good rule of thumb is simply to always use the normal (software) counters unless the pulses you are counting will arrive faster than 2X the scan time. [i.e. if the scan time is 2ms and pulses will be arriving for counting every 4ms or longer then use a software counter. If they arrive faster than every 4ms (3ms for example) then use the hardware (high-speed) counters].


To use them we must know 3 things:

  1. Where the pulses that we want to count are coming from. Typically this is from one of the inputs.(a sensor connected to input 0000 for example)
  2. How many pulses we want to count before we react. Let's count 5 widgets before we box them for example.
  3. When/how we will reset the counter so it can count again. After we count 5 widgets lets reset the counter for example.


1. 我们想要计数的脉冲来自哪里呢,通常这脉冲信号来自于一个输入(例如连接到输入点0000的传感器)。

2. 在我们做出反应之前,我们要数出多少脉冲呢,例如,在装箱之前,让我们来数5个小部件。

3. 我们要何时或者如何重置计数器以便它能再次重新计数呢,例如,在我们数完5个小部件之后,让我们重置计数器。

When the program is running on the PLC the program typically displays the current or "accumulated" value for us so we can see the current count value.


Typically counters can count from 0 to 9999 -32 768 to 32 767 or 0 to 65535. Why the weird numbers? Because most PLCs have 16-bit counters. We'll get into what this means in a later chapter but for now suffice it to say that 0-9999 is 16-bit BCD (binary coded decimal) and that -32 768 to 32767 and 0 to 65535 is 16-bit binary.

通常,计数器的计数范围为0到9999、-32 768到 32 767或0到65535。为什么是这些奇怪的数字呢?因为大多数PLC都有16位计数器。我们将在后面的章节中讨论这意味着什么,但现在只要知道0-9999是16位BCD(二进制编码的十进制),-32 768到32767和0到65535是16位二进制就足够了。

Here are some of the instruction symbols we will encounter (depending on which manufacturer we choose) and how to use them. Remember that while they may look different they are all used basically the same way. If we can setup one we can setup any of them.



In this counter we need 2 inputs.


One goes before the reset line. When this input turns ON the current (accumulated) count value will return to zero.
The second input is the address where the pulses we are counting are coming from.



For example if we are counting how many widgets pass in front of the sensor that is physically connected to input 0001 then we would put normally open contacts with the address 0001 in front of the pulse line.


Cxxx is the name of the counter. If we want to call it counter 000 then we would put "C000" here.


yyyyy is the number of pulses we want to count before doing something. If we want to count 5 widgets before turning on a physical output to box them we would put 5 here. If we wanted to count 100 widgets then we would put 100 here etc. When the counter is finished (i.e we counted yyyyy widgets) it will turn ON a separate set of contacts that we also label Cxxx.

yyyyy是我们要计算的某东西数量的脉冲数。如果我们想要在打开一个物理输出之前数5个小部件放到零件盒子里,我们就可以在这里输入5,如果我们想要数100个部件,那么我们就在这里输入100,等等。当计数完成时(例如我们数了yyyy个小部件)计数器会将它自己的一个独立触点置位为“真”(Tuen ON),我们也将这个触点标记为Cxxx

Note that the counter accumulated value ONLY changes at the off to on transition of the pulse input.



Here's the symbol on a ladder showing how we set up a counter (we'll name it counter 000) to count 100 widgets from input 0001 before turning on output 500. Sensor 0002 resets the counter.

这是一个梯形图上的符号,显示了我们如何设置一个计数器(我们将其命名为Counter 000),在打开输出0500之前,这个计数器需要从输入0001中计数100个小部件。传感器0002用于复位计数器。

Below is one symbol we may encounter for an up-down counter. We'll use the same abbreviation as we did for the example above.(i.e. UDCxxx and yyyyy)



In this up-down counter we need to assign 3 inputs. The reset input has the same function as above. However instead of having only one input for the pulse counting we now have 2. One is for counting up and the other is for counting down. In this example we will call the counter UDC000 and we will give it a preset value of 1000 (we'll count 1000 total pulses). For inputs we'll use a sensor which will turn ON input 0001 when it sees a target and another sensor at input 0003 will also turn ON when it sees a target. When input 0001 turns ON we count up and when input 0003 turns ON we count down. When we reach 1000 pulses we will turn ON output 0500. Again note that the counter accumulated value ONLY changes at the OFF to ON transition of the pulse input. The ladder diagram is shown below.

在这个双向计数器中,我们需要分配3个输入,其中复位输入具有与前面所讲的相同的功能。然而,我们现在有2个脉冲计数输入而不是只有一个,一个是用来向上( )计数的,另一个是用来向下(-)计数的。在本例中,我们将命名这个计数器为UDC000,并将它的预设值设置为1000(即我们将计算1000个脉冲)。我们将使用一个传感器作为输入,当它探测到目标时,它将打开输入0001,另一个传感器在输入0003,当它探测到目标时,它也会打开。当输入0001打开时,我们向上( )计数;当输入0003打开时,我们向下(-)计数。当计数器的累积达到1000个脉冲时,我们将打开输出0500。再次注意,计数器的累积值只在脉冲输入由OFF转换到ON(即上升沿)时才发生变化。梯形图如下图所示。



In the example above each time the operator pushes button 0001 the counter accumulated value increases by one. Note that it increases only when the button first turns on. (i.e. the off to on transition). When the accumulated value equals the preset value(i.e. 5) the C000 contacts turn on and output 0500 becomes true. When the operator pushes the reset button (0002) the accumulated value changes back to 0000.


One important thing to note is that counters and timers can't have the same name (in most PLCs). This is because they typically use the same registers. We haven't learned about timers yet but you might make a note of this for future reference because it's pretty important.


Well the counters above might seem difficult to understand but they're actually quite easy once we get used to using them. They certainly are an essential tool. They are also one of the least "standardized" basic instructions that we will see. However always remember that the theory is the same from manufacturer to manufacturer!

