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碳排放超标对地球的影响(光靠地球的土壤)陆地固碳总量为238亿吨二氧化碳,所以从理论上讲,土壤每年能吸收55亿吨。A new paper in the journal Nature Sustainability analysed the potential for carbon sequestration in soils and found it could if properly managed contribute a quarter of absorbtion on land.全球仅1米的土壤的含碳量就和目前大气中的一样多,在树木腐烂回到土壤中时就能将二氧化碳锁住。Just the first metre of soil around the world contains as much carbon as is currently in the atmosphere locking up the CO2 sequ





Last year the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said that the world needed to work harder to retain the land's ability to absorb and store planet-warming greenhouse gases and prevent it turning from a carbon sink to a source.


Just the first metre of soil around the world contains as much carbon as is currently in the atmosphere locking up the CO2 sequestered in trees as they decompose and return to the earth.

在《Nature Sustainability》杂志中,一篇新论文分析了将二氧化碳锁在土壤中的可能性,发现如果妥善管理,土壤可以吸收四分之一的二氧化碳。

A new paper in the journal Nature Sustainability analysed the potential for carbon sequestration in soils and found it could if properly managed contribute a quarter of absorbtion on land.


The total potential for land-based sequestration is 23.8 gigatonnes of CO2-equivalent so soil could in theory absorb 5.5 billion tonnes annually.


Most of this potential around 40 percent can be achieved simply by leaving existing soil alone - that is not continuing to expand agriculture and plantation growth across the globe.

此次研究的主要作者、大自然保护协会的首席土壤科学家Deborah Bossio说:“大部分对生态系统进行的破坏都是为了扩大农业面积,所以减缓或停止这种扩张是一项重要战略。”

"Most of the ongoing destruction of these ecosystems is about expanding the footprint of agriculture so slowing or halting that expansion is an important strategy " said Deborah Bossio principal study author and lead soil scientist for The Nature Conservancy.
