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关于八上英语语法问题(八上英语错题小结之词汇篇)7、Some dishonest people can lie_________a red face.6、He always spends as much time as he can _________his favourite stamps.3、The girl with long hair is the _________(瘦的) of the three.4、Why are you _________(sad) all the time?5、I think Daniel is as_________(good-looking) as Peter.




1、His flat is always _________because he likes putting his things here and there.

2、Look! How hard the workers _________.(work)

3、The girl with long hair is the _________(瘦的) of the three.

4、Why are you _________(sad) all the time?

5、I think Daniel is as_________(good-looking) as Peter.

6、He always spends as much time as he can _________his favourite stamps.

7、Some dishonest people can lie_________a red face.

8、It’s_________of my English to tell funny jokes to us.(humour)

9、Who_________kites with you in the park at the moment?(fly)

10、The maple leaves will get much _________in autumn.(red)

11、The apple is the best of the three.= The apple is_________than ______ _______ _______.

12、He told his parents nothing about his school life.

=He__________________his parent _________about his school life.

13、She is good at English but I’m_________in it.

14、Although we are now in different schools I often t_________ of her and her help.

15、Do you put on some_________(体重) this Spring Festival?

16、Sandy doesn’t have much time_________with her friends.(chat)

17、What do you want to do after you _________(finish)your school? –I want to be a teacher.

18、Where will you go on_________(holiday)?

19、Who ate the _________bread of the tree boys?(many)

20、If one of them_________ they will have to change the plan.(agree)

21、How long does she spend_________her homework every day?

22、Learning can h_________when you go to a museum.

23、Music calligraphy and foreign languages are some of their f_________ classes.

24、Now Donald Trump is the _________of the USA He lives in the White House.

25、The Torch Festival f_________ on the 24th day of the sixth lunar month every year.

26、The local people also played their traditional musical i_________.

27、When you travel in a foreign country you can also learn its_________(文化).

28、I fell _________ sorry about that.(real)

29、There_________less and less space for wild life in the future.(be)

30、He _________(拖/拉) the drawer open and found the letter still hidden in the book.

31、My grandfather joined the Party in his _________.(20)

32、I think Maths is more difficult than history.

=I don’t think Maths is _________ _________ _________ history.

33、Do you know who is the greatest _________ of America in history?—Abraham Lincon.

34、Will you please_________the window? It’s cold outside. (open)

35、Your name again? I’m sorry I __________________ it .—Will Smith.

36、The accident happened _________ at six yesterday morning.(me)

37、He spoke in English at the meeting. Did he hear him_________?

38、I want to decorate my house _________. Please give me some advice.

39、We’d better change our _________ every month.It’s good for our teeth.

40、Lucy enjoys playing the violin very much.=Luch is __________________playing the violin.

41、When will you _________(finish) the card it’s time to have a rest.

42、We had to wait till the train _________.(arrive)

43、How much do you know about _________(天鹅)

44、Amy walked behind me as _________as she could and covered my eyes with her hands.

45、_________your friend Tom __________________in tomorrow’s sports meeting?

46、Building more tall buildings will _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ living areas for wildlife.(建更多的高楼将会导致野生动物的生存空间越来越小)

47、It’s winter in China _________ it is summer in Australia now.

48、At the moment we have too much to do _________ of anything else.(think)

49、The cold weather _________ to some birds to fly to the south for the winter.

50、A crane _________ over our house an hour ago.

51、Put on more clothes __________________yourself warm.

52、Jiangsu Province is in __________________China.

53、Some writers like to _________ (having sth. as part of a group) birds in their poems.

54、We must do something to _________(stop) hunters killing elephants.

55、The police __________________the whole city for the lost child now.(search)

56、Which of the _________ do you like best spring summer or winter?

57、It’s 9:00 a.m. We _________ late.(be)

58、No one can change the weather. Nobody can control the weather. But if we read c_________ the signs around us we can tell what the more important c_________ in the weather will be. This way of telling what the weather will be like on the following day or two is c_________ weather forecasting. For many centuries and in all countries people have s_________ the weather and stried to make weather forecasting.

59、Do you like the song Tow _________(蝴蝶)?

60、Do you think that there _________ be a _________ in _________ tomoorow?(你认为明天将会有降温吗?)

61、Each child should have _________ _________ of _________ _________ _________ in summer.(每个孩子都应有夏天吃冰淇淋的甜蜜回忆)

62、The size of the _________ is smaller than that of the water on the Earth.

63、All of us enjoy making _________(雪球) in winter.

64、The poor harvest _________ prices to rise quickly last year.(cause)

65、The children covered their faces with scarves. (对划线部分提问)_________ _________ the children cover their faces?

66、The floor is wet. Who _________ it up? ---Yes I am. (mop)

67、Daniel didn’t go to school yesterday because it _________heavily.(rain)

68、I _________ like having a drink at first but now I don’t.(feel)

  1. 从整理的所有学案中看(包括非错题部分):
  • 不太存在所谓高频词,应放弃对高频词的迷恋;
  • 词汇考察的内容比较全面,包括了所有的句法、时态、词性转换、释义填词等,难以实现某一专题的专攻,此法效果有限;


  • 固定搭配及单词拼写出错极少,整个学期仅各1处,因此可以证明孩子平时的读背默功夫还算是没有太多的偷懒,单词拼写和课内所讲的固定搭配并不构成词汇问题的障碍;
  • 错误占比从高到低分别为:句法(此处专指句子结构)>词义>时态>词性>句义>搭配>拼写(此项可忽略),其中时态有很大一部分应与句义不明合并,这部分看起来提升难度最大,期末前出于时间考虑可暂时放弃。


