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罗密欧与朱丽叶321(AEN-罗密欧与朱丽叶)Caper the caper sing me the song. Death will come soon to hush us along. Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall. Love is a pastime and never will pall. Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall. Cupid he rules us all. A rose will bloom it then will fade. So does a youth so does the fairest maid.What is a youth? Impetuous fire. What is a maid? Ice and desire. The world wags on. A rose will bloom it


Andy's English Notes

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What is a youth? Impetuous fire. What is a maid? Ice and desire. The world wags on. A rose will bloom it then will fade. So does a youth so does the fairest maid. Comes a time when one’s sweet smile has its season for a while. Then love’s in love with me. Some may Think only to Marry others will tease and tarry. Mine is the very best parry. Cupid he rules us all.

Caper the caper sing me the song. Death will come soon to hush us along. Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall. Love is a pastime and never will pall. Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall. Cupid he rules us all. A rose will bloom it then will fade. So does a youth so does the fairest maid.


  1. Some的词尾嘴唇闭合,同时保持声带震动;

  2. May是轻读的虚词,但还是要把[ei]发饱满;

  3. Think不要把鼻音丢掉,那样就成了thick了;

  4. marry则又是考验梅花[æ]的时候了;

  5. others [ʌðɚz],一个咬舌摩擦浊辅音,一个摩擦浊辅音,都不要读成了请辅音;

  6. tease中间的[i]要拖够一定长度,虽然有的字典中其美音的标注是[tiz]但读的时候还是不能蜻蜓点水;

  7. Mine is首先是[ai]和鼻音的连接,其次是鼻音和is的连读;

  8. very best都是小嘴[e]不要和梅花音或者双元音[ai]混淆,当然,very的唇齿音也是要注意的;

  9. Cupid ['kju:pid]在美音中,p可以浊化处理,但要注意放松轻读;

  10. Think only,tease and,mine is,rules us all都是辅元连读;

  11. 本句话是押韵且带有韵律感的,读的时候要特别突出这些特点。


  1. Impetuous冲动的,鲁莽的;

  2. The world wags on.年华如此迁移下去。这里的wag就是继续、进展的意思,还可以指尾巴或手指的摆动,就像小狗那样;

  3. Fair常用来专门形容美丽的女子,比如白雪公主里面的台词“魔镜魔镜告诉我,谁是世界上最美丽的女人”就是Mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all?

  4. 看一下这些押韵的词语,marry结婚,tease and tarry不屑和犹豫,parry巧妙的回避,规避;

  5. Cupid he rules us all.如果生硬翻译,应该是丘比特用规则限定了我们所有人。这里翻译为了丘比特牵着我们鼻子走,就更符合汉语的语义了;

  6. Caper the caper第一个caper用的是其动词含义,欢呼雀跃,第二个则是用的其名词含义,不同寻常的可笑的行为,这种用法是不是有点像“崩得儿你个崩得儿?”

  7. to hush us along这里指的是死亡让我们沉寂下来;

  8. Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall.比糖更甜,比胆汁更苦;

  9. Love is a pastime and never will pall.爱很消磨人,但永远不走味,这里的pall就是变得乏味。

所谓AEN就是Andy's English Notes,是我在学习英语中的一些小心得,总结出来分享给大家。笔记重点讲解语音和语法等方面的知识,不过多涉及每天文章内容中的其他领域专业知识,希望能够对大家的英语学习有所帮助。

