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万圣节的典故简短(万圣节南瓜灯名字的由来)First cut off the stem or top of the pumpkin. But don't throw it out. You will need it later to finish the jack-o'-lantern.所以,你要确保这两个条件都具备。这就是为什么年幼的孩子们会和比自己大的人一起做这个活动。Many people buy a pumpkin from a store or from a real pumpkin patch on a farm. Making a jack-o'-lantern takes time and at least one good sharp knife.许多人从商店或农场里的真正南瓜地购买南瓜。做一个空心南瓜灯需要时间和至少一把锋利的好刀。So make sure you have pl


And now Words and Their Stories from VOA Learning English. One of the most well-known signs of Halloween is the jack-o'-lantern.


You can find jack-o'-lanterns on the front steps of countless American homes on October 31 Halloween night. Decorating a pumpkin for the holiday can be a lot of fun especially for children.


Many people buy a pumpkin from a store or from a real pumpkin patch on a farm. Making a jack-o'-lantern takes time and at least one good sharp knife.


So make sure you have plenty of both. This is why young children do this activity with someone older.


First cut off the stem or top of the pumpkin. But don't throw it out. You will need it later to finish the jack-o'-lantern.


Now reach your hands inside the pumpkin and remove everything inside. And yes -- it will feel slimy.


Next make a picture of a face or something else on the skin or rind of the pumpkin. Then carefully cut along the lines of your artwork.


Finally put a candle or some other lighting inside to light up the design you have cut. And there! You have turned a pumpkin into a jack-o'-lantern.

最后,在里面放一支蜡烛或一些其他的照明来点亮你所切割的图案。看那里! 你把南瓜变成了南瓜灯。

Now you might have a few questions. For example why does the term jack-o'-lantern have a man's name -- "Jack"?


Merriam-Webster's online dictionary gives one explanation. It says people in England began using the term in the 17th century.


It meant "a man with a lantern" or a night watchman. At that time people living in England reportedly called a man they did not know "Jack".


So an unknown man carrying a lantern was sometimes called "Jack with the lantern" or "Jack of the lantern". Your next question might be: But what does this have to do with Halloween?

因此,一个提着灯笼的不知名的人有时被称为"Jack with the lantern"或"Jack of the lantern"。你的下一个问题可能是:但这和万圣节有什么关系?

Merriam-Webster and Encyclopedia Britannica both say the term "jack-o'-lantern" comes from a very old Irish story about a man named Stingy Jack.

韦氏词典和大英百科全书都说Jack -o’-lantern这个词”来自一个非常古老的爱尔兰故事,讲的是关于一个名叫Stingy Jack的人。

As the story goes he tricked the Devil to get money. When Jack died God refused to let him go to heaven.


And the Devil still angry about being tricked did not allow Jack to go to hell either.?So Jack's punishment was to wander the earth forever.


His soul was stuck. And like most spirits trapped on Earth he probably spent most of his time trying to frighten humans.


At least that's what I imagine trapped souls would do. To protect themselves and frighten away Jack's wandering soul


people in Ireland would carve scary faces on turnips. I suspect that turnips were a common root vegetable at the time.


When Irish families moved to the United States they brought this tradition with them. These immigrants began carving jack-o'-lanterns from pumpkins


which were more common than turnips in their new home. Halloween is based on the Celtic celebration from ancient times.


It marked the end of summer. It was believed that during this time of the year the souls of those who had died that year would return to visit their homes.


Encyclopedia Britannica goes on to explain that in the 8th century the Roman Catholic Church moved All Saints' Day a religious day to November 1.


This meant that All Hallows' Eve or Halloween fell on October 31. Traditions from the old Celtic celebration remained


such as wearing costumes to hide yourself from the souls of the dead and carving jack-o'-lanterns. Today people who celebrate Halloween continue to do both!


And that's Words and Their Stories. Until next time I'm Anna Matteo.

