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英语词汇大赛考题题型(考一考你的英语词汇能力)7. The balance is ___ at the end of the month.余额要在月底支付。6. My bank balance isn’t ___.我的银行账户里余额不多了。3. Pesticides seriously ___ the balance of nature.农药严重破坏了自然界的平衡。4. I think ___ balance I prefer the old system.总的来说,我更喜欢旧的那套制度。5. The question ___ him off balance.这个问题使他不知所措。




1. I lost my balance and ___ on my face.我失去平衡,脸着地摔倒了。

2. Try to ___ a balance between work and play.尽量保持工作和娱乐的平衡。

3. Pesticides seriously ___ the balance of nature.农药严重破坏了自然界的平衡。

4. I think ___ balance I prefer the old system.总的来说,我更喜欢旧的那套制度。

5. The question ___ him off balance.这个问题使他不知所措。

6. My bank balance isn’t ___.我的银行账户里余额不多了。

7. The balance is ___ at the end of the month.余额要在月底支付。

8. The firm owns about 96% of the ___ with the balance belonging to our family.资产组合中,公司拥有96%左右的股份,剩余部分为我们家族所有。

9. Meanwhile the fate of the refugees continues to ___ in the balance. 与此同时,难民的命运仍悬而未决。

10. The dignity and courage shown by the President may ___ the balance in his party’s favor.总统所表现出来的尊严和勇气可能对他的政党有利。

11. The death of her friend had ___ the balance of her mind.朋友的去世使她心神不宁。

12. The sea was so ___ that it was hard to keep your balance.海上波涛汹涌,很难保持身体平衡。

13. She nearly ___ her balance as the bus suddenly moved forward.公共汽车突然向前移动,她差一点失去平衡。

14. He held onto Carrie until he ___ his balance.他拉住卡丽直至重新站稳。

15. The blow was hard enough to ___ him off balance.这一拳力量很大,足以使他失去平衡。

16. A good ___ of balance is always useful when you are sailing.良好的平衡感在驾驶帆船时总是有用的。

17. It is necessary to ___ a balance between the needs of employers and employees.在必要的劳资双方的需求之间达成某种平衡。

18. Try to keep a balance between your spending and your ___.要设法在支出和收入之间保持平衡。

19. The move could upset the delicate balance of ___ in the Middle East.这一行动会破坏中东脆弱的均势。

20. Will this ___ the balance of power in the EU?这会改变欧盟内部的权力平衡吗?

21. What can be done to ___ the balance in favor of women?怎样才能改变局面,对女性更公平?

22. You should ___ a good balance of carbohydrates and protein.你应该摄入适当比例的碳水化合物和蛋白质。

23. Too much carbon dioxide in the ___ upsets the delicate balance of gases.大气中二氧化碳含量过高会破坏各种气体的微妙平衡。

24. With sport you have to find the right balance between competition and fun.对于体育比赛,你需要在竞争和乐趣之间找到恰当的平衡。

25. Chemicals will upset the ___ balance of the pond.化学物质会破坏这池塘里的自然平衡。

26. The Russia-Ukraine conflict ___ the European balance of power.俄乌冲突打破了欧洲的均势。

27. Nothing can ___ permanent damage to the balance of nature.任何理由都不能成为永久破坏大自然平衡的借口。

28. She was balancing a ___ of food on her knees.她把一盘食物稳稳地放在膝上。

29. He turned around ___ awkwardly on one foot.他转过身去,笨拙地单腿站立着。

30. Job losses in manufacturing were balanced by job increases in the service ___.制造业职位减少了,而服务行业就业机会却增加了,正好相抵。

31. Just enough sugar is needed to balance the ___ of the fruit.正好需要可中和水果酸味的适量的糖。


32. The courts must balance our ___ against the security of the nation.法庭必须在我们的自由和国家安全之间作出权衡。

33. Sometimes I look after the kids and sometimes John does – it all balances ___.有时候我看孩子,有时候约翰看孩子 – 两个人差不多。

34. This is the most ___ account of what happened.这是关于所发生之事的最客观的描述。

35. There has been no balanced reporting of the election ___ yet.还没有对竞选活动的公正报道。

36. He always arranges a balanced program of ___ every week.每个星期他总是要作出一些均衡的活动安排。

37. We should realize the importance of a balanced ___.我们应该认识到饮食均衡的重要性。

38. Nature is perfectly ___.大自然是非常平衡的。

39. It is not easy to cook soup with a delicately balanced ___.做出味道恰到好处的汤并不容易。

40. The election of so many Republicans to Congress has changed the ___ of power in Washington.这么多共和党人入选国会会改变华盛顿的均势。

41. A small center party ___ the balance of power in the Assembly.一个小的中间党派决定着议会里的势力均衡。

42. The company’s cash balance increased to $4.5 ___ this quarter.公司本季度的现金结存额增至45亿美元。

43. Enter your password to ___ your account balance online.输入密码后在线查看你的账户余额。

44. The balance on the profit and loss ___ at 31st March 2020 was $75 738. 2020年3月31日损益表上结余为75 738美元。

45. First ___ a balance from a revenue or expense account to a profit and loss account.首先将收支账户结余转入损益账户。

46. A 10% deposit is required with the balance ___ on completion of the work.要求缴付10%的订金,尾数待工程完成时支付。

47. The average consumer has an ___ balance of $1 500 on his or her credit card.一般消费者的信用卡结欠款为1 500美元。

48. I try to pay ___ my monthly credit-card balance in full.我努力全额结清每月信用卡的结欠款。

49. The balance of your order will be ___ when we have new stock.我们有新货时,将会给你们补回订单中余下数额的货品。

50. Try to keep a balance between work and ___.尽量在工作和休闲之间取得平衡。

51. On balance we have ___ a good year.总的来说,我们这一年过得不错。

52. It only needs an hour or so a month to organize and ___ the accounts每月只需要一小时左右的时间结算账目。

53. All the accounts should have been balanced ___ correctly.所有账目均应结算无误。

54. These ___ don’t balance. There must be a mistake somewhere.这些数字扎不平。某处一定有错。

55. The spending ___ are part of the government’s plan to balance its budget.削减开支是政府打算平衡预算的一部分。

56. We have transferred $5 000 from our ___ to balance the accounts.我们从存款中转出5 000美元用来平衡账目。

57. This year’s profits will balance our previous ___.本年度的盈利将可弥补我们以往的亏损。

58. The advantages and disadvantages seem to balance ___.利弊似乎可以相互抵消。

59. The cost of bringing in consultants needs to be balanced against the ___.需要衡量聘用顾问的成本与其带来的效益。

60. The balance scorecard is a tool for turning ___ into action.平衡计分卡是一种将战略转变为行动的工具。

61. An increase in exports would help Britain’s balance of ___.出口的增加将有助于改善英国的国际收支差额。


62. The country recorded a $9.5 billion balance of payments ___ for the year.本年度该国的国际收支逆差为95亿美元。

63. If we sell more than we buy we have a ___ balance of trade.如果我们多卖少买,我们就会有贸易顺差。

64. At present the airline has zero debt on its balance ___.目前,该航空公司资产负债表上没有债务。

65. The toddler ___ and lost his balance and fell off the low wall.在矮墙上蹒跚行走的小孩晃了一晃,失去平衡摔了下来。

66. She had to ___ on to the railings to keep her balance.她不得不抓紧栏杆以免失去平衡摔倒。

67. New tax measures are ___ to redress the balance between rich and poor.新税收政策是为了调整贫富均衡而制定的。

68. We must strike a balance between ___ spending and penny-pinching.我们必须在挥霍和吝啬之间找到平衡点。

69. The development may upset the ___ balance between the two countries.这一发展可能会破坏两国间的微妙平衡。

70. The eradication of one tiny ___ can seriously affect the natural balance.一种微小物种的灭绝也会严重影响生态平衡。

71. I think on balance I did ___ you unfairly.我觉得总的来说我确实对你不公平。

72. Her sudden friendliness ___ him off balance.她突然的友好态度使他感到困惑。

73. Both countries have a ___ interest in maintaining the balance of power.这两个国家都能从维持力量均衡中得到既得利益。

74. When the election is over this will be the party ___ the balance of power.选举结束后,这个党派的态度将决定最终胜负。

75. The drums were too strong so we ___ the balance.因为鼓声太响,我们调整了平衡器。

76. The balance of payments crisis led to the president’s ___.国际收支危机导致总统下台。

77. The flamingoes balanced ___.火烈鸟单脚独立保持平衡,姿态十分优美。

78. She walked along a huge pot balanced ___ on her head.她头顶大罐毫不费力地向前走。

79. I had to balance the children’s needs ___ my own.我不得不权衡一下孩子的需要和我的需要究竟哪个重要。

80. It seems a lot to spend this month but we won’t spending much in July and August so we’ll balance ___ over the year.这个月似乎花了很多钱,但七月和八月不会花这么多,所以全年支出会平衡。

81. If the business loses any more money we won’t be able to balance the ___ this year.如果这笔生意再赔钱,今年我们无法收支平衡了。

82. Stringent measures were ___ so that the government could balance its budget.政府采取严厉措施以保证收支平衡。

83. I found myself having to ___ a balancing act between work and family.我发现我必须兼顾工作和家庭。

84. The news program ___ itself on its balanced reporting.新闻节目因其不偏不倚的报道而感到骄傲。

85. The committee is ___ balanced with six members from each party.委员会的组成非常均衡,每个党有六名委员。

86. She’s in love with him so she’s hardly capable of a balanced ___ about him.她爱上了他,所以很难对他作出全面公正的判断。

87. If you have a balanced diet you are getting all the ___ you need.如果你不挑食,就会获得全部的维生素。

88. Her job was in the balance for some months but now the company has decided to expand so her future is ___.几个月来她会否失业一直未定,目前公司决定扩建,她的未来终于有了保障。

89. The game ___ in the balance until the last seconds when an exciting point decided it.比赛胜负难分,直到最后几秒钟,一个令人兴奋的进球才决定了结果。

90. I’ve no idea what the balance in my ___ is.我不知道我银行的存款是多少。

91. Once we know how much money we’ll need let’s spend the ___.一旦我们知道需要多少钱,就把余额用掉。

92. The company’s success is reflected in its ___ bank balance.公司的成功反映在其大量的银行存款余额上。

93. With children it is important to ___ the right balance between love and discipline.对待孩子,在爱护和管教之间适当地掌握平衡是很重要的。

94. How do you find an acceptable balance between closeness and ___ in a relationship?在人际关系中,你怎样在亲密和疏离之间找到恰当的平衡?

95. Being a good boss requires a fine balance between kindness and ___.做一个好老板,需要在仁慈和权威之间找到微妙的平衡。

96. It is the ___ balance of the diet that is important.重要的是要保持饮食的整体均衡。

97. Pulling ___ all the plants will disturb the natural balance of the pond.把所有植物都拔掉会破坏池塘的自然平衡。

98. There is an even ___ balance amongst staff and students.教师和学生中男女比例平衡。

99. We need to strike a balance between these ___ interests.我们需要在这些利益冲突中找到平衡。

100. You have to ___ a balance in your life or else you’ll go crazy.你必须在生活中保持某种平衡,否则你会发疯的。

101. Tourists often disturb the delicate balance of ___ on the island.旅游者常常打乱岛上微妙的生态平衡。

102. On balance the company has ___ a successful year.总的来说,公司这一年是成功的。

103. It is important to keep the different ___ of your life in balance.保持生活各个方面的平衡很重要。

104. In an interview smart ___ tip the balance in your favor.面试时,机敏的表述对你有利。

105. The balance of advantage has ___ from the unions to employers.优势已经从工会方转移到雇主方。

106. Democracy depends on a system of ___ and balances.民主的实行依赖于相互制衡的制度。

107. Interest is calculated on the daily ___ balance and paid direct to your account.利息每日记账计算,直接存入账户。


朗文当代高级英语词典[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014


1 fell 2 keep 3 upset 4 on 5 caught 6 good 7 due 8 portfolio 9 hang 10 tip 11 disturbed 12 rough 13 lost 14 regained 15 knock 16 sense 17 strike 18 earnings 19 power 20 alter 21 redress 22 eat 23 atmosphere 24 right 25 natural 26 disrupted 27 justify 28 plate 29 balancing 30 sector 31 acidity 32 liberty 33 out 34 balanced 35 campaign 36 events 37 diet 38 balanced 39 flavor 40 balance 41 holds 42 billion 43check 44 account 45 transfer 46 payable 47 outstanding 48 off 49 supplied 50 relaxation 51 had 52 balance 53 off 54 figures 55 cuts 56 deposits 57 losses 58 out 59 benefits 60 strategy 61 payments 62 deficit 63 favorable 64 sheet 65 wobbled 66 hold 67 designed 68 reckless 69 delicate 70 species 71 treat 72 threw 73 vested 74 holding 75 adjusted 76 downfall 77 gracefully 78 effortlessly 79 against 80 out 81 books 82 introduced 83 do 84 prided 85 evenly 86 judgment 87 vitamins 88 assured 89 hung 90 account 91 balance 92 healthy 93 achieve 94 distance 95 authority 96 overall 97 up 98 gender 99 conflicting 100 maintain 101 nature 102 had 103 aspects 104 presentation 105 shifted 106 checks 107 cleared
