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朗读中考英语必背十种句型(中考英语课程标准1600词E部分)[00:30.03]Sometimes he can make the stick so small[00:28.09]n. [C]耳朵[00:17.93]Mmm...why don't you ask Alice to join[00:22.26]you each time you do something with Julie?[00:26.02]ear






[00:14.01]pron. 每个,各个

[00:17.93]Mmm...why don't you ask Alice to join

[00:22.26]you each time you do something with Julie?


[00:28.09]n. [C]耳朵

[00:30.03]Sometimes he can make the stick so small

[00:32.95]that he can keep it in his ear.


[00:39.95]adj. 早的 adv. 在早期

[00:44.56]We all arrive as early as we can so

[00:46.88]that we have time to warm up.


[00:53.04]n. [U] 地球


[00:57.06]n. [C]地震

[00:58.49]The next morning

[01:00.58]I heard about the earthquake in New Zealand the day before.


[01:08.61]adj. 东方的;东部的 n. 东;


[01:16.00]adj. 东方的;东部的;东方国家的


[01:23.66]adj. 容易的,不费力的


[01:29.68]adv. 容易地

[01:31.36]Or imagine you can't walk or use your hands easily.


[01:39.30]v. 吃


[01:43.04]n. [U]教育,培养

[01:47.07]An education program in Chengdu teaches children

[01:50.14]in cities about pandas and other endangered animals.


[01:58.92]n. [C]蛋,卵


[02:03.94]num. 八


[02:06.73]num. 十八


[02:09.79]num. 第八


[02:12.73]num. 八十


[02:16.08]adj.& pron. 任何一方的,二者之一 adv. 也

[02:22.37]Life is like a race.

[02:24.57]You either take the lead or fall behind.

[02:27.63]At first I thought that it might be a dog

[02:34.05]but I couldn't see a dog or anything else either.


[02:41.42]n. [C]长者,前辈 adj. 年纪较长的


[02:49.93]adj. 电子的


[02:53.39]n. [C]象,大象


[02:58.44]num. 十一


[03:01.64]adv. 另外,其他

[03:05.09]Let's find out what else

[03:08.04]we can do to save as many animals as possible.


[03:14.29]n. 电子邮件 vt. 发电子邮件


[03:21.15]adj. 空的

[03:22.69]The little baskets were empty

[03:25.57]and the ground was covered with pieces of paper

[03:28.96]cigarette ends old tyres empty bottles and rusty tins.


[03:38.53]v. 鼓励,激励;促进

[03:43.83]It also encourages governments

[03:46.35]and social groups to think about ways

[03:49.10]to improve toilets in the future.


[03:56.23]n. 末端,终点,v. 结束,

[04:00.83]I'm leaving at the end of July

[04:04.30]and I'm going to stay there for four weeks.

[04:07.08]World War II broke out in Europe in 1939 and ended in 1945.


[04:20.19]n. [C]敌人,反对者


[04:26.30]n. [C]工程师,技师


[04:32.44]n. 英格兰,英国


[04:37.59]adj. 英格兰的;英语的 n. 英语


[04:45.42]vt. 喜爱;欣赏,享受

[04:49.90]However not everybody enjoys watching these shows.


[05:00.07]adj. 足够的,充分的 adv. 足够,

[05:05.90]Also often there isn't enough clean water.


[05:13.82]v. 进入;加入,开始参加;


[05:22.75]n. 环境

[05:24.58]There will be fewer trees

[05:26.93]and the environment will be in great danger.


[05:33.22]n. [C]橡皮擦,黑板擦


[05:39.76]adv. 特别,尤其

[05:43.40]The piece which was played on the erhu especially moved me.


[05:52.27]n. 欧洲


[05:55.92]adj. 欧洲的,欧洲人的 n. [C]欧洲人


[06:03.43]adv. 甚至,连;更

[06:08.18]In fact he sometimes does not even look like a monkey!


[06:17.92]n. 傍晚,晚上


[06:23.51]adv. 曾经;无论何时


[06:29.63]adj. 每一个,每个


[06:35.63]pron. 每人,人人


[06:40.89]adj. 每日的,日常的


[06:46.19]pron. 每人,人人


[06:52.77]pron. 每件事,所有事物


[06:58.73]adv. 到处

[07:00.40]The pictures of these popular cartoon heroes are everywhere

[07:04.45]on office desks schoolbags and computer screens.


[07:11.84]adv. 恰好地;正是;精确地;


[07:20.77]n. [C]考试,测试;检查

[07:25.37]I have an exam on Monday so I must prepare for it.


[07:34.83]n. [C]例子,榜样

[07:39.29]Another example is you're not supposed

[07:43.03]to eat anything with your hands except bread

[07:47.53]not even fruit.


[07:51.45]adj. 极好的,优秀的

[07:54.41]This excellent film is full of horror and mysteries.


[08:03.34]prep. 除…之外


[08:07.61]adj. 兴奋的;激动的

[08:10.98]We were very excited when a parade

[08:14.02]of Disney characters began later in the afternoon.


[08:21.12]adj. 令人兴奋的;使人激动的


[08:28.40]n. [C]借口,辩解 vt.原谅,


[08:36.74]n. [C]练习,习题;v. 锻炼

[08:43.01]We found that only fifteen percent

[08:45.52]of our students exercise every day.


[08:52.22]v. 预料;盼望;认为


[09:01.67]adj. 昂贵的


[09:06.44]n. [C]经历,体验; [U]经验

[09:10.88]His love for mountain climbing is so great

[09:14.09]that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience.


[09:22.32]v. 解释,说明


[09:27.87]vt. 表达,adj. 快速的;n. 快车;


[09:35.70]n. [C]眼睛

