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简单的英语歌适合男生唱的(推荐旋律优美适合男生唱的几首英语歌曲)I need to rest in arms 。Send someone to love meStarry starry night《Better Man》是英国罗比·威廉姆斯主唱的一首歌曲名,出自专辑《Sing When You're Winning》。Better man意思是做更好的人,有人说是献给球星巴乔的,但作者本人从未表示Better Man是献给任何一个特定人物——这跟鲁迅说:“我没说过这样的话”一个意思。所谓的“献给巴乔”一说,估计是来自于《天下足球》一期巴乔的专题节目,该期节目中用Better Man致敬巴乔。


一.Vincent 推荐对象:高冷,孤独的少年


Vincent是一首民谣音乐,由美国歌手唐·麦克莱恩(Don Mclean)创作和演唱,之所以取名Vincent,是因为这首歌是纪念荷兰著名印象派画家文森特·梵高的(Vincent Willem van Gogh)。这首歌的第一句“Starry starry night......”描绘了梵高的著名作品《星月夜(The Starry Night)》。同时,歌中还穿插描绘了梵高的其他画作。整首歌歌词充满诗意和智慧。这首歌创作完成的次年,便成为了英国单曲榜的冠军和美国单曲排行榜的第2名。

Starry starry night

《Better Man》是英国罗比·威廉姆斯主唱的一首歌曲名,出自专辑《Sing When You're Winning》。Better man意思是做更好的人,有人说是献给球星巴乔的,但作者本人从未表示Better Man是献给任何一个特定人物——这跟鲁迅说:“我没说过这样的话”一个意思。所谓的“献给巴乔”一说,估计是来自于《天下足球》一期巴乔的专题节目,该期节目中用Better Man致敬巴乔。

Send someone to love me

I need to rest in arms 。

Keep me safe from harm In pouring rain

Give me endless summer

Lord I fear the cold

Feel I'm getting old

Before my time

As my soul heals the shame

I will grow through this pain

Lord I'm doing all I can ,

To be a better man


三. Take me to your heart推荐对象:狂热,感情丰富的少年


都说香港乐坛爱翻唱别人的歌,但是,也有人喜欢翻唱他们的歌啊。这不,《Take Me To Your Heart》就是翻唱自香港歌神张学友的代表作《吻别》。别说,这么一翻唱,还别有一番风味!

Hiding from the rain and snow

Trying to forget but I won't let go

Looking at a crowded street

Listening to my own heart beat

So many people all around the world

Tell me where do I find someone like you girl

Take me to your heart

Take me to your soul

Give me your hand before I'm old

Show me what love is haven't got a clue

Show me that wonders can be true

They say nothing lasts forever

We're only here today

Love is now or never

Bring me far away


四. The sound of silence 推荐对象:睿智而冷静的少年


The Sound of Silence是民歌二人组Paul Simon and Garfunkel的成名作。它是美国电影《毕业生》的主题歌,对于当年的中国大学生说,这部电影几乎是他们接触西方文明和青年生活的窗口,自然这部电影优美而质朴的音乐也是令他们着迷的原因之一。另外,这是奥斯卡经典英文歌曲哦。

Hello darkness my old friend

I've come to talk with you again

Because a vision softly creeping

Left its seeds while I was sleeping

And the vision that was planted in my brain

Still remains

Within the sound of silence

In restless dreams I walked alone

Narrow streets of cobblestone

Neath the halo of a street lamp

I turned my collar to the cold and damp

When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light

That split the night

And touched the sound of silence


好了,本期推荐就到这里了。或许有人说,怎么没有Justin Bieber,Taylor Swift等新一代的歌,我只能说,他们too young to simple,能沉淀下来的才是好歌啊,对不?
