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vue3 富文本编辑器(功能强大的富文本编辑器)

vue3 富文本编辑器(功能强大的富文本编辑器)import Vue from "vue"; import Vue2Editor from "vue2-editor"; Vue.use(Vue2Editor);// 基本用途-涵盖大多数情况 import { VueEditor } from "vue2-editor"; // 高级使用-HookQuill的API定制功能 import { VueEditor Quill } from "vue2-editor";基本案例基本用法<template> <vue-editor v-model="content" /> </template> <script> import { VueEditor } from "vue2-editor"



vue3 富文本编辑器(功能强大的富文本编辑器)(1)



  • 简单易用;
  • 基于Vue.js & Quill.js构建;
  • 为更复杂的场景提供自定义的选项


npm install vue2-editor #或者使用 yarn add vue2-editor


import Vue from "vue"; import Vue2Editor from "vue2-editor"; Vue.use(Vue2Editor);

// 基本用途-涵盖大多数情况 import { VueEditor } from "vue2-editor"; // 高级使用-HookQuill的API定制功能 import { VueEditor Quill } from "vue2-editor";基本案例

  • 基本用法

<template> <vue-editor v-model="content" /> </template> <script> import { VueEditor } from "vue2-editor"; export default { components: { VueEditor } data: () => ({ content: "<h1>Some initial content</h1>" }) }; </script>

  • 自定义图像处理程序


  1. 它传递要处理的文件
  2. 编辑器实例
  3. 上传时的光标位置,以便成功时可以将图像插入到正确的位置

<template> <div id="app"> <vue-editor id="editor" useCustomImageHandler @imageAdded="handleImageAdded" v-model="htmlForEditor"> </vue-editor> </div> </template> <script> import { VueEditor } from "vue2-editor"; import axios from "axios"; export default { components: { VueEditor } data() { return { htmlForEditor: "" }; } methods: { handleImageAdded: function(file Editor cursorLocation resetUploader) { // An example of using FormData // NOTE: Your key could be different such as: // formData.append('file' file) var formData = new FormData(); formData.append("image" file); axios({ url: "https://fakeapi.yoursite.com/images" method: "POST" data: formData }) .then(result => { let url = result.data.url; // Get url from response Editor.insertEmbed(cursorLocation "image" url); resetUploader(); }) .catch(err => { console.log(err); }); } } }; </script>

  • 页面加载后设置内容

<template> <div> <button @click="setEditorContent">Set Editor Content</button> <vue-editor v-model="content" /> </div> </template> <script> import { VueEditor } from "vue2-editor"; export default { components: { VueEditor } data: () => ({ content: null }) methods: { setEditorContent() { this.content = "<h1>Html For Editor</h1>"; } } }; </script>

  • 使用多个编辑器

<template> <div id="app"> <vue-editor id="editor1" v-model="editor1Content"></vue-editor> <vue-editor id="editor2" v-model="editor2Content"></vue-editor> </div> </template> <script> import { VueEditor } from "vue2-editor"; export default { components: { VueEditor } data() { return { editor1Content: "<h1>Editor 1 Starting Content</h1>" editor2Content: "<h1>Editor 2 Starting Content</h1>" }; } }; </script> <style> #editor1 #editor2 { height: 350px; } </style>

  • 自定义工具栏

<template> <vue-editor v-model="content" :editor-toolbar="customToolbar" /> </template> <script> import { VueEditor } from "vue2-editor"; export default { components: { VueEditor } data: () => ({ content: "<h1>Html For Editor</h1>" customToolbar: [ ["bold" "italic" "underline"] [{ list: "ordered" } { list: "bullet" }] ["image" "code-block"] ] }) }; </script>

  • 保存内容

<template> <vue-editor v-model="content" :editor-toolbar="customToolbar" /> </template> <script> import { VueEditor } from "vue2-editor"; export default { components: { VueEditor } data: () => ({ content: "<h1>Html For Editor</h1>" customToolbar: [ ["bold" "italic" "underline"] [{ list: "ordered" } { list: "bullet" }] ["image" "code-block"] ] }) }; </script>

  • 使用实时预览

<template> <div> <vue-editor v-model="content" /> <div>{{ content }}</div> </div> </template> <script> import { VueEditor } from "vue2-editor"; export default { components: { VueEditor } data: () => ({ content: "<h1>Some initial content</h1>" }) }; </script>总结

