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自然杂志论文题目:自然20221020出版一周论文导读https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-05195-x▲ 链接:A dense 0.1-solar-mass star in a 51-minute-orbital-period eclipsing binary0.1太阳质量恒星、轨道周期为51分钟的食双星▲ 作者:Kevin B. Burdge Kareem El-Badry Thomas R. Marsh Saul Rappaport Warren R. Brown Ilaria Caiazzo et al.

编译 | 未玖

Nature 20 October 2022 VOL 610 ISSUE 7932




A dense 0.1-solar-mass star in a 51-minute-orbital-period eclipsing binary


▲ 作者:Kevin B. Burdge Kareem El-Badry Thomas R. Marsh Saul Rappaport Warren R. Brown Ilaria Caiazzo et al.

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▲ 摘要:



研究组报道了ZTF J1813 4251的观测结果,这是一个51分钟轨道周期的完全食双星系统,由一颗温度与太阳相当,但由于成分富氦,密度是太阳100倍的恒星,吸积至另一颗白矮星上。

相分辨光谱、多波段光曲线和宽带光谱能量分布使研究组能够获得对该食双星的质量、半径和温度的精确而稳健的约束。进化模型显示,ZTF J1813 4251注定会成为氦CV双星,轨道周期在20分钟以内,ZTF J1813 4251填补了氦CV双星和富氢CV双星之间此前缺失的一环。

▲ Abstract:

Of more than a thousand known cataclysmic variables (CVs) where a white dwarf is accreting from a hydrogen-rich star only a dozen have orbital periods below 75 minutes. One way to achieve these short periods requires the donor star to have undergone substantial nuclear evolution before interacting with the white dwarf and it is expected that these objects will transition to helium accretion. These transitional CVs have been proposed as progenitors of helium CVs. However no known transitional CV is expected to reach an orbital period short enough to account for most of the helium CV population leaving the role of this evolutionary pathway unclear. Here we report observations of ZTF J1813 4251 a 51-minute-orbital-period fully eclipsing binary system consisting of a star with a temperature comparable to that of the Sun but a density 100 times greater owing to its helium-rich composition accreting onto a white dwarf. Phase-resolved spectra multi-band light curves and the broadband spectral energy distribution allow us to obtain precise and robust constraints on the masses radii and temperatures of both components. Evolutionary modelling shows that ZTF J1813 4251 is destined to become a helium CV binary reaching an orbital period under 20 minutes rendering ZTF J1813 4251 a previously missing link between helium CV binaries and hydrogen-rich CVs.


Enhanced interactions of interlayer excitons in free-standing heterobilayers


▲ 作者:Xueqian Sun Yi Zhu Hao Qin Boqing Liu Yilin Tang Tieyu Lü et al.

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▲ Abstract:

Strong long-range dipole–dipole interactions between interlayer excitons (IXs) can lead to new multiparticle correlation regimes which drive the system into distinct quantum and classical phases including dipolar liquids crystals and superfluids. Both repulsive and attractive dipole–dipole interactions have been theoretically predicted between IXs in a semiconductor bilayer but only repulsive interactions have been reported experimentally so far. This study investigated free-standing twisted (51° 53° 45°) tungsten diselenide/tungsten disulfide (WSe2/WS2) heterobilayers in which we observed a transition in the nature of dipolar interactions among IXs from repulsive to attractive. This was caused by quantum-exchange-correlation effects leading to the appearance of a robust interlayer biexciton phase (formed by two IXs) which has been theoretically predicted but never observed before in experiments. The reduced dielectric screening in a free-standing heterobilayer not only resulted in a much higher formation efficiency of IXs but also led to strongly enhanced dipole–dipole interactions which enabled us to observe the many-body correlations of pristine IXs at the two-dimensional quantum limit. In addition we firstly observed several emission peaks from moiré-trapped IXs at room temperature in a well-aligned free-standing WSe2/WS2 heterobilayer. Our findings open avenues for exploring new quantum phases with potential for applications in non-linear optics.

材料科学Materials Science

Self-assembly of emulsion droplets through programmable folding


▲ 作者:Angus McMullen Maitane Muñoz Basagoiti Zorana Zeravcic & Jasna Brujic

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▲ Abstract:

In the realm of particle self-assembly it is possible to reliably construct nearly arbitrary structures if all the pieces are distinct but systems with fewer flavours of building blocks have so far been limited to the assembly of exotic crystals. Here we introduce a minimal model system of colloidal droplet chains with programmable DNA interactions that guide their downhill folding into specific geometries. Droplets are observed in real space and time unravelling the rules of folding. Combining experiments simulations and theory we show that controlling the order in which interactions are switched on directs folding into unique structures which we call colloidal foldamers. The simplest alternating sequences (ABAB...) of up to 13 droplets yield 11 foldamers in two dimensions and one in three dimensions. Optimizing the droplet sequence and adding an extra flavour uniquely encodes more than half of the 619 possible two-dimensional geometries. Foldamers consisting of at least 13 droplets exhibit open structures with holes offering porous design. Numerical simulations show that foldamers can further interact to make complex supracolloidal architectures such as dimers ribbons and mosaics. Our results are independent of the dynamics and therefore apply to polymeric materials with hierarchical interactions on all length scales from organic molecules all the way to Rubik’s Snakes. This toolbox enables the encoding of large-scale design into sequences of short polymers placing folding at the forefront of materials self-assembly.

Low-hysteresis shape-memory ceramics designed by multimode modelling


▲ 作者:Edward L. Pang Gregory B. Olson & Christopher A. Schuh

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▲ Abstract:

Zirconia ceramics exhibit a martensitic phase transformation that enables large strains of order 10% making them prospects for shape-memory and superelastic applications at high temperature. Similarly to other martensitic materials this transformation strain can be engineered by carefully alloying to produce a more commensurate transformation with reduced hysteresis (difference in transformation temperature on heating and cooling). However such ‘lattice engineering’ in zirconia is complicated by additional physical constraints: there is a secondary need to manage a large transformation volume change and to achieve transformation temperatures high enough to avoid kinetic barriers. Here we present a method of augmenting the lattice engineering approach to martensite design to address these additional constraints incorporating modern computational thermodynamics and data science tools to span complex multicomponent spaces for which no data yet exist. The result is a new zirconia composition with record low hysteresis of 15 K which is about ten times less transformation hysteresis compared to typical values (and approximately five times less than the best values reported so far). This finding demonstrates that zirconia ceramics can exhibit hysteresis values of the order of those of widely deployed shape-memory alloys paving the way for their use as viable high-temperature shape-memory materials.


Accommodating unobservability to control flight attitude with optic flow


▲ 作者:Guido C. H. E. de Croon Julien J. G. Dupeyroux Christophe De Wagter Abhishek Chatterjee Diana A. Olejnik & Franck Ruffier

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▲ Abstract:

Attitude control is an essential flight capability. Whereas flying robots commonly rely on accelerometers for estimating attitude flying insects lack an unambiguous sense of gravity. Despite the established role of several sense organs in attitude stabilization the dependence of flying insects on an internal gravity direction estimate remains unclear. Here we show how attitude can be extracted from optic flow when combined with a motion model that relates attitude to acceleration direction. Although there are conditions such as hover in which the attitude is unobservable we prove that the ensuing control system is still stable continuously moving into and out of these conditions. Flying robot experiments confirm that accommodating unobservability in this manner leads to stable but slightly oscillatory attitude control. Moreover experiments with a bio-inspired flapping-wing robot show that residual high-frequency attitude oscillations from flapping motion improve observability. The presented approach holds a promise for robotics with accelerometer-less autopilots paving the road for insect-scale autonomous flying robots. Finally it forms a hypothesis on insect attitude estimation and control with the potential to provide further insight into known biological phenomena and to generate new predictions such as reduced head and body attitude variance at higher flight speeds.

地球科学Earth Science

A function-based typology for Earth’s ecosystems


▲ 作者:David A. Keith José R. Ferrer-Paris Emily Nicholson Melanie J. Bishop Beth A. Polidoro Eva Ramirez-Llodra et al.

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▲ Abstract:

As the United Nations develops a post-2020 global biodiversity framework for the Convention on Biological Diversity attention is focusing on how new goals and targets for ecosystem conservation might serve its vision of ‘living in harmony with nature’. Advancing dual imperatives to conserve biodiversity and sustain ecosystem services requires reliable and resilient generalizations and predictions about ecosystem responses to environmental change and management. Ecosystems vary in their biota service provision and relative exposure to risks yet there is no globally consistent classification of ecosystems that reflects functional responses to change and management. This hampers progress on developing conservation targets and sustainability goals. Here we present the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Global Ecosystem Typology a conceptually robust scalable spatially explicit approach for generalizations and predictions about functions biota risks and management remedies across the entire biosphere. The outcome of a major cross-disciplinary collaboration this novel framework places all of Earth’s ecosystems into a unifying theoretical context to guide the transformation of ecosystem policy and management from global to local scales. This new information infrastructure will support knowledge transfer for ecosystem-specific management and restoration globally standardized ecosystem risk assessments natural capital accounting and progress on the post-2020 global biodiversity framework.
