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应该做某事的英语表达方法,英语中表示做某事有困难有几种表达方法答案(in)walking1)You can't imagine what difficulty we had ________ home in the snowstorm. 你无法想象我们在暴风雪中步行回家时有多么的困难。(2)have some difficulty/trouble with sth.=there is some difficulty/trouble with sth.在某事上有(3)have great/no/little difficulty(in)doing sth.做某事有很大/没有/几乎没有困难(4)take trouble to do sth. 不辞辛苦/不嫌麻烦地做某事

When I first arrived in San Francisco,I had_a_difficult_time_understanding certain aspects of the American way of doing things.(P40)


【句法分析】 have a difficult time(in)doing sth.做某事有困难。表示做某事有困难有以下几种表达方法:

(1)have some difficulty/trouble(in)doing sth.=there is some difficulty/trouble in doing sth.

(2)have some difficulty/trouble with sth.=there is some difficulty/trouble with sth.在某事上有

(3)have great/no/little difficulty(in)doing sth.做某事有很大/没有/几乎没有困难

(4)take trouble to do sth. 不辞辛苦/不嫌麻烦地做某事

1)You can't imagine what difficulty we had ________ home in the snowstorm. 你无法想象我们在暴风雪中步行回家时有多么的困难。


2)I had great difficulty ________ the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant. 在那家饭馆的菜谱上很难找到合适的菜。


3)People from East Asia tend to have more difficulty than those from Europe in ________ facial expressions. 在区别面部表情方面,东亚人往往比欧洲人觉得更困难。


4)No one can imagine the difficulty he had ________ his son to get rid of the habit of playing computer games. 没人能想象他在说服儿子放弃打电脑游戏方面有多么的困难。

答案(in) persuading


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