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斜弱视指南(斜弱视常见问题)问:是否所有弱视患者,都可以提高视力?是否有年龄或其他限制?A:Every patient is different and each case must be considered individually however while age in itself is not a limiting factor it is also true that the earlier treatment begins the better the chances for full recovery. If there is no pathology in the eye or visual pathway visual acuity should be able to be improved either partially or completely since the red

Q: If patching is not the best or most effective method of treatment why is it still used by many professionals?

A:As I have said repeatedly throughout this book the patch was first used in the eighteenth century. Once a habit is developed (even a bad one) a person does not easily change! It has taken many decades to have the idea of brain plasticity in adults accepted. Many brave men and women spent their lives defending these new ideas that seemed implausible at first but have now been clearly proven by objective data. Changes come albeit slowly and often only after overcoming strong resistance.


The aim of this book is to do my part in spreading this knowledge and having a vehicle to share it with you. We must discard outdated treatments and replace them with updated methods. We must overcome old paradigms that can no longer survive such as age being a limiting factor in neuro-functional treatments and patching and surgery as the only effective treatment for amblyopia and strabismus.




Q:Can visual acuity be improved in all amblyopic eyes or are there age or other limits?

A:Every patient is different and each case must be considered individually however while age in itself is not a limiting factor it is also true that the earlier treatment begins the better the chances for full recovery. If there is no pathology in the eye or visual pathway visual acuity should be able to be improved either partially or completely since the reduced acuity is a neuro- functional problem.




Q:Is it true that children cannot wear contact lenses?

A:No this is another myth. There are no studies to show that this is so and are thousands of children who wear contact lenses very successfully. In many cases contact lenses provide the basic starting point for treatment and without them treatment cannot be successful.




Q:Where I can find a professional who provides behavioral optometric vision therapy?

A:It is best to find a behavioral optometrist like the woman who treated Dr. Susan Barry even if you must travel some distance to find a qualified one. There are many behavioral optometrists not only in Spain but throughout the world who have undertaken this specialization. In Appendix II you will find some web addresses to help you to find the one that is closest to you.




Q:Do multiple strabismus surgeries affect the prognosis for vision therapy? Is it possible to develop binocularity and see in 3D?

A:After surgical intervention prognosis can be worse because the eyes are not in their natural state. We do not know how the neural connections to the muscles have been changed and whether there are scars or adhesions. Sometimes the patient is left with a deviation that is different than what was present before the surgery including deviations in the opposite direction hyper deviations and cyclo torsional deviations. Regardless a behavioral optometric treatment can be successful after surgery and at any age. Dr. Susan Barry had three surgeries but did not recover binocularity until she undertook a behavioral optometric vision therapy program at age 48.

问:多次斜视手术 是否影响视觉训练预后? 是否可能建立双眼视和立体视?


Q:How do people who don't see in 3D calculate distances?

A:As I have said in a previous chapter there are many ways to calculate distances using monocular clues. These monocular clues include object occlusion shadows and shading perspective and motion parallax. Dr. Susan Barry explains each of these cues in detail Chapter 7 of her book.



