七十年砥砺奋进(七十年砥砺前行)During the 27 years in which Mao Zedong was alive the chronological life expectancy increased by more than one year for each year there is a power that has never been anything like that in human history. This was astonishing. So in this period not merely were old problems of China’s national self-determination solved but the social living conditions of people developed immeasurably.那就是在这一时期(19
第三集《时代的起点 重新再造一个新中国》
During the 27 years in which Mao Zedong was alive the chronological life expectancy increased by more than one year for each year there is a power that has never been anything like that in human history. This was astonishing. So in this period not merely were old problems of China’s national self-determination solved but the social living conditions of people developed immeasurably.
For a long time it looked as if countries like China just could not industrialize and could not compete with the western countries and so on. But we’ve seen since the middle of the twentieth century you know with the time of 1949 revolution but also the end of colonialism in many parts in Asia and so on we saw the world change to create a new sort of possibility that the world did not have to be dominated by the west which was a small fraction of humanity.
Looking back now we can see that possibility opening up from crucial period at the end of the second world war. And now with China’s success with the reform period and so on what that means is that a huge country like China can go from great backwardness to economic modernization and vitality and dynamism.
More emphasis on the rights of woman the female rights more emphasis on the new system more help with the spared industrial capacity even like the “Sanxian” the third front project. All those source seems very helpful for the development of the market economy in the Deng Xiaoping era.
So I would say as a scholar we really cannot be our view cannot be you know affected by ideologies. We have to look into facts how those two eras two historical stages are connected you know to get what we choose from it. Not just simply criticize it when following another. That’s because history is history we have to look at history in a more objective way.