lol当前版本最恶心的英雄(LOL国外玩家大吐槽)[–]Duvelthehobbit 3 指標 16小時前*一个伟大的德莱文知道哪些斧子该接哪些不该接A good Draven will catch every axeA great Draven will know which axes to notcatch*一个好的德莱文能接住所有斧子
【本文由全球电竞网Sayonara 翻译,转载请注明出处!】
[–]b_ootay_fulootay~17 指標 10小時前
A good Draven will catch every axe
A great Draven will know which axes to notcatch
(大声告诉小编 豹女的图有没有放错)[–]Duvelthehobbit 3 指標 16小時前
Can confirm. Too many bad Nid junglers onmy team.
[–]FillyMaysbuff mepls 3 指標 9小時前
Twisted Fate is a lot harder than he seemsat first. His skills are easy to use but the hard part is positioning yourselfcorrectly and being in the right place and right time to use your skills.
[–]MostOriginalNickname3 指標 8小時前
Jax. You have only one "usefull" spell(e) and if you don't use it right you will lose trades and teamfights.
[–]vegita2087 3 指標 7小時前*
I play with a dodger main and most ppl sayno skill champ etc but...
His E is one of the hardest skillshots inthe game to land considering it is a super small slow moving projectile thatonly stuns if you hit the very center of it on the enemy champion.
His missiles also have a relatively smallhitbox if you are trying to land all of them.
In addition using the right ult for any givenfight is key. By that I mean you can try to delete one person with your ultmissiles you can start a fight and engage for your team with the ult stun orif you are being engaged on the mega turret is the best.
[–]mantrica 1 指標 9小時前
Master yi is one of the hardest championsto play because he has no ranged abilities is squishy and has no escapes soyou really have to know exactly when to go in.
[–]ElTyto1 -3 指標 18小時前
Azir kalista viktor twisted fate yasuo
看来在国外的玩家眼里 有些想法跟我们还是比较一致的 小编就根本不会玩德莱文跟豹女这些英雄.当然大盖伦还是可以的 毕竟德玛西亚老流氓 一言不合开Q就是干.最后给你个大保健一套送你泡温泉.
不知道各位小伙伴觉得哪些英雄比较难玩呢 直接在下方留言评论吧.
小伙伴们不要害怕 这里只有最实用的游戏攻略 最新的新(ba)闻(卦) 当然还有最好的福利!
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