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单词100个(综合单词10个)apocalypse 世界毁灭;大灾变;末世;indulging culprit 放纵罪犯prime culprit 主犯 ; [法] 罪魁 ; 元凶 ; 首犯英语main culprit 祸首 ; 主犯 ; Crime Culprit 元凶


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culprit 犯罪者; 犯错者

英文解释:When you are talking about a crime or something wrong that has been done you can refer to the person who did it as the culprit

prime culprit 主犯 ; [法] 罪魁 ; 元凶 ; 首犯英语

main culprit 祸首 ; 主犯 ;

Crime Culprit 元凶

indulging culprit 放纵罪犯

apocalypse 世界毁灭;大灾变;末世;

英文解释:The apocalypse is the total destruction and end of the world. 世界末日

例句:We live in the shadow of the apocalypse of a catastrophe that will mean the end of the world itself.


prophet 先知;预言者;提倡者

英文解释:A prophet is a person who is believed to be chosen by God to say the things that God wants to tell people.

例句:He is our prophet priest and king.



英文解释:A misperception is an idea or impression that is not correct.

常见词组:common misperception 普遍的错误观点

intoxicate 使陶醉;使喝醉;使中毒

英文解释:to produce in (a person) a state ranging from euphoria to stupor usually accompanied by loss of inhibitions and control; make drunk; inebriate

例句:He does not drink at all a little wine may intoxicate him.


ecstasy 狂喜;入迷;忘形;摇头丸

英文解释:1.Ecstasy is a feeling of very great happiness. 狂喜

2.Ecstasy is an illegal drug that makes people feel happy and energetic. 摇头丸

例句:The teenager died after taking ecstasy on her birthday.


altruism 利他;利他主义

英文解释:Altruism is unselfish concern for other people's happiness and welfare.

bourgeois 中产阶级的;世俗的;中产或资产阶级分子

英文解释; If you describe people their way of life or their attitudes as bourgeois you disapprove of them because you consider them typical of conventional middle-class people. 中产阶级的 [表不满]

例句:He's accusing them of having a bourgeois and limited vision.


condescend 屈尊;俯就;(对某人)表现出优越感;摆出高人一等的架子

英文解释:If you say that someone condescends to other people you are showing your disapproval of the fact that they behave in a way which shows that they think they are superior to other people.

例句:Don't condescend to me.


unperturbed 镇定的;平静的;未受到扰乱的;面不改色

英语解释:not disturbed or troubled

例句:That is why mystic Masters remain unperturbed in the face of the worst experiences of life.


unheralded (才华、能力)未被肯定的;意料之外的 [书面]

英语解释:If you describe an artist or athlete as unheralded you mean that people have not recognized their talent or ability.

例句:They are inviting talented but unheralded movie-makers to submit examples of their work.

