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17天搞定gre单词具体方法(GREDay47:)■同: dodge elude evade shirk shun weasel out of■e.g. the minister eschews involvement in local politics since he doesn't want to diminish his moral authority in the community 首相回避参与当地政治,因为他不想降低其道德权威■派: prevarication n. 支吾其词eschew 英 [ɪsˈtʃuː] 美 [ɪsˈtʃuː] vt. 避免;避开;远避考点1: v.刻意避开;戒绝: to avoid habitually especially on moral or practical grounds


prevaricate 英 [prɪˈværɪkeɪt] 美 [prɪˈværɪkeɪt] vi. 搪塞;支吾其辞,闪烁其辞

考点1: vi.支吾其词,撒谎: to stray from or evade the truth

e.g. During the hearings the witness did his best to prevaricate.听证会上证人在竭尽全力地支吾其词。

: equivocate fabricate falsify lie palter

: prevarication n. 支吾其词

eschew 英 [ɪsˈtʃuː] 美 [ɪsˈtʃuː] vt. 避免;避开;远避

考点1: v.刻意避开;戒绝: to avoid habitually especially on moral or practical grounds

e.g. the minister eschews involvement in local politics since he doesn't want to diminish his moral authority in the community 首相回避参与当地政治,因为他不想降低其道德权威

: dodge elude evade shirk shun weasel out of

: embrace greet welcome habitually indulge in seek 乐于接受,寻觅

dilatory 英 [ˈdɪlətəri] 美 [ˈdɪlətɔːri] adj. 拖拉的;缓慢的,不慌不忙的

考点1: adj.拖延的,磨蹭的: tending or intended to cause delay characterized by procrastination

e.g. dilatory tactics拖延战术 ;The homeowner is claiming that local firefighters were dilatory in responding to the call业主声称本地的消防队员对(火警)电话的有拖延。

: delaying procrastinating dragging lagging tardy

: rapid fast fleet precipitate rocketing swift hasty hurrying scurrying 快速的

contumacious 英 [ˌkɒntjuˈmeɪʃəs] 美 [ˌkɑːntuˈmeɪʃəs] adj. 不听命令的;反抗法院命令的;顽固的

考点1: adj.不服从的,倔强的: stubbornly disobedient; rebellious

e.g. Contumacious insurgents refuse to talk不愿服从命令的叛军拒绝对话

: balky contumacious defiant insubordinate intractable obstreperous rebellious recalcitrant refractory restive ungovernable unruly untoward wayward willful

: obedient docile ruly 顺从的

: contumacy n不服从从,反抗

resurgence 英 [rɪˈsɜːdʒəns] 美 [rɪˈsɜːrdʒəns] n. 复活;再现;再起

考点1: n.复兴: a restoration to use acceptance activity or vigor

e.g. Let's witness the resurgence of classical school. 让我们见证古典乐派的复兴。

: reanimation rebirth regeneration rejuvenation renewal resurrection resuscitation revitalization

: decay degradation deterioration downfall ebb fall 衰落

: resurgent adj. 正在复兴的
