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曹操谐音id(34说曹操曹操到)例句:It is going to be the devil to control the spreading of this novel coronavirus. 要想遏制这种新型冠状病毒的传播,是要费九牛二虎之力的。例句:I can't believe that I won the lottery and passed the accountant exam in the same week. I must have the luck of the devil! 我不敢相信我在同一周中了并且通过了会计考试。我一定运气爆棚了!例句:Well talk of the devil. Here is Emma. 呀,说曹操曹操到,艾玛来了。小伙伴们,是不是超级简单?下次直接说这个短语,老外绝对秒懂!里面有个devil这个词,不知道你们认不认识,它能组成很多有趣的英语习语,也是nati


当你在英语国家和你的老外好友聊到某人A,然后A突然出现,熟悉中国习语的你是不是在抓耳挠腮的在想怎么表达”说曹操曹操到“呢?你总不能说“say cao cao cao cao come”吧,我觉得我能想象到如果你这么说,你的好友一脸黑人问号,“Who is cao cao? His name is not cao cao!”。





talk of the devil,【said when a person appears just after being mentioned】,说到谁谁就到,其实就是中国人常说的“说曹操曹操到”。

也可以用speak of the devil,意思一样。

例句:Well talk of the devil. Here is Emma. 呀,说曹操曹操到,艾玛来了。



devil, /ˈdɛv(ə)l/,撒旦,魔鬼,混蛋,究竟
  • have the luck of the devil,【have extremely good luck】,这话不是反话,是真的在说你人非常走运,比如中了,拿现在流行语说,就是人品好到爆。

例句:I can't believe that I won the lottery and passed the accountant exam in the same week. I must have the luck of the devil! 我不敢相信我在同一周中了并且通过了会计考试。我一定运气爆棚了!

  • something is the devil to do,【a thing that is very difficult or awkward to do or deal with】,做某事要费九牛二虎之力。

例句:It is going to be the devil to control the spreading of this novel coronavirus. 要想遏制这种新型冠状病毒的传播,是要费九牛二虎之力的

  • the devil looks after his own,【success or good fortune often seem to come to those who least deserve it】,表面意思是恶人自己能好好照顾自己,说简单点,就是坏人得逞,脑子里是不是立马跳出来偶像剧那些用烂了的桥段,善良的穷苦美女被一个霸道总裁暗恋着,不巧的是身边一个蛇蝎美女想要占有这个霸道总裁,然后故意制造各种困难,最后抱得帅哥归,咳咳,说跑题了,言归正传。

例句:A: "I can't believe that he got a promotion after he discredited me!" B: "Well the devil looks after his own." A:“我不敢相信他毁坏了我的名誉后竟然得到了提拔!” B:“哎,坏人总是会得逞。”

  • be caught between the devil and the deep blue sea,【in a difficult situation where there are two equality unpleasant choices】,进退两难,此短语广为人知离不开一首歌曲的流行,歌名和这个短语一字不差,这是创作于1931年的老歌,表达痴情人的哀怨,小编亲自听了下,怪好听的,感兴趣的上网搜搜。

例句:I'm caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. I don't know which one is better continue this stable job with a low wage or receive the new job offer with higher pay but in bad work condition. 我陷入了两难境地,我不知道哪个更好,是继续做这个底薪的稳定工作还是接受这份高薪但工作条件不好的新工作?

  • go to the devil!【said in angry rejection or condemnation of someone】,见鬼去吧!我们可以对新冠肺炎病毒说这句话。

例句:Let the Covid-19 go to the devil!


