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ib辅导课程适合什么样水平的学生?IB课程如何培养全人教育02Inquiry-based Concept-driven Curriculum六大跨学科主题The IB-PYP curriculum at HQIS is designed for children from 3 to 12 years of age. Every year the programme of inquiry is organized and framed by six transdisciplinary themes. It provides students with the opportunity to experience a coherent and balanced curriculum that allows students to become lifelong learners by exploring global issues and build

As one of the first IB World Schools in China HQIS prides itself on offering a curriculum focused on developing critical thinking global minded citizens who are resolute in their desire to solve real-life issues with the skills acquired through the guidance of their teachers and curriculum materials.


01The Primary Years Programme(PYP)


The IB-PYP curriculum at HQIS is designed for children from 3 to 12 years of age. Every year the programme of inquiry is organized and framed by six transdisciplinary themes. It provides students with the opportunity to experience a coherent and balanced curriculum that allows students to become lifelong learners by exploring global issues and building conceptual understandings.




▲ IB-PYP Six Transdisciplinary Themes


02Inquiry-based Concept-driven Curriculum


The main feature of the IB-PYP curriculum is its inquiry-based transdisciplinary system. Inquiry-based learning is an approach that emphasizes students' questions ideas and observations. In the inquiry-based classroom there is an emphasis on real-life situations decision-making problem-solving research and action. Through inquiry students learn by exploring questioning and experimenting possibilities and they also deepen understanding through the application of concepts rules and theories. The interdisciplinary approach allows students to think “outside the box” and to develop their own ideas.


HQIS Inquiry Circle 探究循环


Turning In → Finding Out → Sorting Out → Going Further → Making Conclusions → Taking Action



Trandition Learning Mode 传统学习模式:

Learn 学习新知识点→ Review 复习学过的知识点→ Test考试

Examples of inquiry-based learning at HQIS.


In the PYP program students are asked to learn by doing. Teachers use the questions and interests of the students to build a unit of inquiry that is engaging and relevant. In these pictures you can see the students have built models and given presentations about the the solar system to help deepen their understanding. Inquiry-based learning of this kind has been shown to develop important skills for the students such as critical thinking and problem solving.




In the pictures below the students are building towers using unit blocks ten sticks hundred squares and thousand blocks. Once the students have built their tower they were practicing their estimation skills which was the focus of the lesson. This kind of activity teaches the students the math skill estimation through a fun and engaging activity. It helps them apply their learning to the real world and to begin asking questions about size shape and number.


In the picture below the students are using blocks to show their multiplication skills. Using manipulatives to show their work gives the students a visual idea about multiplication and keeps them engaged in their learning. It also allows the students to formulate questions about multiplication that they might see in their daily lives.



03The Learner Profile


The IB Learner Profile goes beyond academic success and its attributes cover every aspect of development. We believe that the characteristics of the Learner Profile allow our student to develop strong academic social and emotional characteristics and to become well-rounded responsible individuals.


IB Learners strive to be:


- Inquirers: They develop their natural curiosity.

- Knowledgeable: They explore concepts ideas and issues that have local and global significance.

- Thinkers: They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize and approach complex problems and make reasoned ethical decisions.

- Communicators: They understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication.



- Principled: They act with integrity and honesty with a strong sense of fairness justice and respect for the dignity of the individual groups and communities.

- Open-minded: They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories and are open to the perspectives values and traditions of other individuals and communities

- Caring: They show empathy compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others.

- Risk-takers: They approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles ideas and strategies.



- Balanced: They understand the importance of intellectual physical and emotional balance to achieve personal well-being for themselves and others.

- Reflective: They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience.


▲ Learner Profile Poster created by HQIS students


04Student Learning Outcomes


The PYP provides our students with plenty of opportunities for self-expression. At HQIS students are given the opportunity to express their ideas and creativity through multimedia presentations interviews and reports debates letters script writing story writing singing music audio & video editing and more!


In addition at HQIS PYP Assemblies are held regularly in each grade level. These assemblies play a very important role as they form the portal for young learners where they showcase their talents perform acts and get applauded for efforts and achievements. The culmination of the PYP experience is the PYP Exhibition in Grade 5 an event where students are given the opportunity to share their understanding of a real-life issue or topic by using a range of different strategies and disciplines as part of their inquiry.



Mr. Scott Aylwin

IB PYP Coordinator


I’m really excited to begin this year’s PYP journey with both new and returning students. The PYP lays an important foundation for our students to develop the skills and attributes they need to become lifelong learners and to thrive in a global environment. The inquiry-based and concept-driven nature of the PYP gives the students voice and agency in the classroom which has been shown to improve learning and help the students to make important connections. I can’t wait to see where our learning journey takes us this year!
