学好英语每日观察(每日英语学习)9.长驱直入:drive straight in8.长篇大论:long speech5.长久之计:a long-term plan; a permanent solution6.长命百岁:live to be a hundred7.长年累月:all the year round
1.猖獗一时:be rampant for a while; run wild for a time
2.长抽短吊:combine long drives with drop shots
3.长此以往:if things go on like this if things continue this way
4.长话短说:make a long story short
5.长久之计:a long-term plan; a permanent solution
6.长命百岁:live to be a hundred
7.长年累月:all the year round
8.长篇大论:long speech
9.长驱直入:drive straight in
11.长途跋涉:trudge a long distance; trek a long way
12.长吁短叹:utter sighs and groans; moan and groan
13.长治久安:Long term stability and security
14.尝鼎一脔:try one morsel and you will know the whole potful-get to know the whole from sampling a part
15.常备不懈:always be on the alert; be ever prepared against war
16.常胜将军:an ever-victorious general
17.常用词语:everyday expression
18.厂校挂钩:establish a hookup between a school and a factory
20.场外下注:off-track betting
21.敞篷轿车:open-topped limousine
22.敞胸露乳:bare one’s chest
23.畅所欲言:be free to express oneself
24.畅行无阻:pass unimpeded; proceed without hindrance
25.唱独角戏:put on a one-man show; go it alone
26.唱对台戏:put on a rival show; enter into rivalry with sb
27.唱空城计:perform the Stratagem of the Empty City-present a bold front to conceal a weak defence; have an absentee staff
28.唱作念打:singing gesticulating elocution and acrobatics- elements of the art of acting in traditional opera