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新概念英语第二册lesson8课后答案(新概念英语第二册Lesson)7 Who came to see it?6 Were there many other buildings as big as the Crystal Palace?3 Where was it built?4 What was it built for?5 How was it different from all other buildings in the world?

Lesson 80 The Crystal Palace 水晶宫


1 Is the Crystal Palace an ordinary or an extraordinary building?

2 Was it built in the eighteenth or the nineteenth century?

3 Where was it built?

4 What was it built for?

5 How was it different from all other buildings in the world?

6 Were there many other buildings as big as the Crystal Palace?

7 Who came to see it?

8 What was sent to the exhibition from abroad?

9 What else was on display?

10 What was the most wonderful piece of machinery on show?

Lesson 80 The Crystal Palace (答案)


1 An extraordinary one.

2 The nineteenth.

3 In Hyde Park.

4 For the Great Exhibition of 1851.

5 It was made of iron and glass.

6 No there weren't.

7 A lot of people from many countries did.

8 A great many goods were.

9 A great deal of machinery was.

10 Nasmyth's steam hammer was.

