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快递自动化分拣流水线钢架搭建(复杂性及规划运营管理)The following briefly introduces several sorters commonly used in express service activities.There are special letter sorters for letters and special flat sorters for flats. There are many forms of full-automatic sorters for parcels. From the form of sorters they can be divided into linear and circular. The commonly used linear shapes include slider type pop-up roller type and pop-up roller type





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Generally speaking express delivery can be divided into three kinds of goods: parcels flat pieces and letters.

There are special letter sorters for letters and special flat sorters for flats. There are many forms of full-automatic sorters for parcels. From the form of sorters they can be divided into linear and circular. The commonly used linear shapes include slider type pop-up roller type and pop-up roller type; There are cross belt sorters tilt tray sorters etc. in the ring.

The following briefly introduces several sorters commonly used in express service activities.



交叉带分拣机有很多种形式,比较普遍的是一车双带式,即一个小车.上面有两段垂直的皮带,既可以在每段皮带上搬送-一个包裹, 也可以两段皮带合起来搬送一个包裹。在两段皮带合起来搬送一个包裹的情况下,可以通过在分拣机两段皮带方向的预动作,使包裹的方向与分拣方向一致以减少 格口的间距要求。


1) Cross belt sorter

There are many forms of cross belt sorters and the more common one is a car with two belts that is a car There are two vertical belts on the top which can transport one package on each belt or two belts can be combined to transport one package. When the two belts are combined to transport -- packages the package direction can be consistent with the sorting direction through the pre action in the two belt directions of the sorter so as to reduce the spacing requirements of the grid.

The advantages of the cross belt sorter are low noise and wide range of goods that can be sorted. The maximum capacity of a single sorter is about 20000 pieces per hour through bilateral bag supply and slot optimization. But the disadvantages are also obvious that is the cost is relatively expensive and the maintenance cost is high.




2) Tilt tray sorter

The tilting tray sorter sorts out parcels by tilting the tray. The sorter is applied in the express industry to a certain extent but it is more applied in the field of airport baggage sorting with a maximum capacity of 12000 pieces per hour. The standard tilting tray sorter is composed of wooden tray tilting device and bottom frame. Tilting is divided into mechanical tilting and electric tilting.




3) Slide sorter

The slide sorter is widely used in the express industry which is reliable and has a very low failure rate. In large distribution centers such as Louisville UPS a large number of slide sorters are used to complete pre sorting and final sorting. The slide sorter can be used with multiple cross overlaps to meet the capacity requirements that the single slide sorter cannot meet.




4) Eject roller and eject roller sorters

The processing capacity of these two sorters is not high and they are suitable for secondary transfer stations. The advantage is that the price is relatively cheap. Private express companies use more manual rolling conveying equipment in stations and more electric conveying equipment in distribution and transfer centers which can effectively reduce labor intensity and speed up sorting speed.


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