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美国对华战略认知:真相在此 美国对华认知的21个谬误

美国对华战略认知:真相在此 美国对华认知的21个谬误What the US has constantly vowed to preserve is a so-called international order designed to serve the US’s own interests and perpetuate its hegemony. The US itself is the largest source of disruption to the actual world order.美国口口声声讲的国际秩序,实际上是服务美国自身利益、维护美国霸权地位的秩序。美国是世界秩序的最大乱源。谬误1中国对国际秩序构成最严峻长期挑战,正在破坏国际秩序。美国将捍卫国际法、协议、原则和机构以维护世界和平与安全,保护个人和国家的权利。China poses the most serious long-term challenge to the


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has recently delivered a speech at Asia Society outlining the US administration’s approach to China. With carefully calibrated language he sought to promote the “China threat” narrative interfere in China’s internal affairs and smear China’s domestic and foreign policy all in an attempt at full-blown containment and suppression of China.


In what is to follow we will use facts and figures to show to the world how deceptive hypocritical and dangerous the US’s China policy is.

美国对华战略认知:真相在此 美国对华认知的21个谬误(1)


中国对国际秩序构成最严峻长期挑战,正在破坏国际秩序。美国将捍卫国际法、协议、原则和机构以维护世界和平与安全,保护个人和国家的权利。China poses the most serious long-term challenge to the international order and is undermining it. The US will defend the international law agreements principles and institutions that maintain peace and security and protect the rights of individuals and sovereign nations.



What the US has constantly vowed to preserve is a so-called international order designed to serve the US’s own interests and perpetuate its hegemony. The US itself is the largest source of disruption to the actual world order.

美国对华战略认知:真相在此 美国对华认知的21个谬误(2)



The US is not looking for conflict or a new Cold War. It doesn’t seek to block China from its role as a major power nor to stop China from growing its economy or advancing the interests of its people.



Despite its claims that it doesn’t seek to block China from its role as a major power nor to stop it from growing its economy the US is actually deploying its domestic and externalresources to unscrupulously contain and suppress China.

美国对华战略认知:真相在此 美国对华认知的21个谬误(3)


美国的外交以伙伴关系和尊重彼此利益为基础,中国则对别国实施胁迫外交,肆意进行打击报复。我们的任务是,证明所有国家在不受胁迫的情况下自由规划自己的道路。Our diplomacy is based on partnership and respect for each other’s interests while China practices coercive diplomacy against other countries and retaliates recklessly. Our task is to prove once again that all countries will be free to chart their own paths without coercion.



It is the US that invented “coercive diplomacy” and excels at coercing countries. Over the years by imposing economic blockade unilateral sanctions and other means the US has practiced coercive diplomacy around the world with textbook examples.

美国对华战略认知:真相在此 美国对华认知的21个谬误(4)


美国民主模式是美国在与中国竞争中最强大的资本之一。我们的任务是证明民主可以应对紧迫的挑战,证明未来属于那些相信自由的人。The US democracy is one of the most powerful assets in this contest. Our task is to prove once again that democracy can meet urgent challenges and that the future belongs to those who believe in freedom.



The US sets standards for democracy after its own system does not allow other systems paths and models to exist and gangs up with others to wantonly interfere in other countries’ internal affairs in the name of democracy. This not just contravenes the spirit of democracy but also spells disaster for democracy.

美国对华战略认知:真相在此 美国对华认知的21个谬误(5)
