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15个常用的英语句型(119个日常常用英语短语)take it easy别急 What happened to me?发生什幺事 the other day前几天tidy sth.up打扫干浄 knock sb. off撞到某人




clear sth. up清除

the other day前几天

tidy sth.up打扫干浄

knock sb. off撞到某人

What happened to me?发生什幺事

take it easy别急

stay still不要动

medical care医疗服务

at the back of在......背后

deal with处理

pour a. into b.把a倒入b

keep out of the reach of放在够不着的地方

do sth. by mistake误做某事

nearby hospital附近的医院

large quantities of大量的

be fit for sb.适合某人

hear about听说


standing room

pay special attention to特别注意

deep in the heart of深入内心

fail to do sth.做某事失败

time and time again一次又一次

lose one's sight 失明

be present在场,出席

off the coast临近海岸

living things活物

die out 灭绝,绝种

in all大体上.

point to/at指向

to one' s great joy令人高兴的事

be that foolish那祥傻

judge sb. by the clothes以貌取人

put sb. to the trouble of doing sth.使人受困于某事

apologize to sb.for sthカ某事向某人道歉

be after随后

do sb. a favor帮忙

make sth to sb' s own measure尽力做某事

depend on sb.依赖某人

drop in at/in sb./a place拜访某人 某地

once upon a time从前

do up one' s button扣扣子

take sb. seriously认真对某人

What is worse更糟的是

be suitable for doing sth适应做某事

keep back隐瞒,保留

be equal to与......相等

pretend to do sth.假装作某事

play a part of 起部分作用

be caught in遭遇 (不幸)被逮住,取代

483. be anxious about担心(某事)

be likely to do sth.可能做某事

call in拜访


take the place 取代

for one thing 一方面

make a lot of noise制造很多噪音

stare straight at sb.注视某人

bend over弯腰 俯身

worse still更糟的是

attack one' s attention吸引某人注意カ

carry off拿走 夺走

look into调査 观察

run out of food消费完食物

do a word puzzle玩文字游戏

all through one' slife 终其一生

lead to sth导致(某事)

the Noble Prize for sth.诺贝尔奖

refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事

a cheque for $100 100美元的支票

live the rest of one' s life 度过余生

.take American nationality 入美国国籍


be fond of对...感兴趣;喜欢

lead a simple way of life过着简单的生活

leave a. for b.离开a地到b地

go on with sth.继续做某事

stick to sth.不放弃或不改变,坚持或维持某事

take sides in偏袒;站在某某一边

be respected as被尊为

further education进修

So far as i know据我所知

get sth. ready作好准备

in space片刻就 一会儿就;在宇宙中

travel in a high circle在一个大环行轨道上运行

at the speed of以......速度

keep sth out of 防止.......侵入;使... 在范围之外

set up an organization建立一个组织

with the help of在某某的帮助下

outer space外太空;星际空间


set up an organization建立一个组织

with the help of在某某的帮助下

outer space外太空;星际空间

carry out实现;开展;贯彻;执行

attempt to do sth.尝试做某事

524. be connected with和...有联系; ....和...连接起来

havea seat坐下

personal afairs私事

see to sth.照料

mean to do sth.意欲 意图 打算

make a note of.把.......记下来

It's time sb. did sth是某人做某事的时候了

Remember me to sb让某人记住我

delay sth./doing sth耽搁做某事

be well known for sth.由于某事出名

I dare say我敢说

pay sb. a visit拜访、访问某人

do repairs修理工作;修补工作


There is no doubt about it毫无疑问

Sb. be supposed to do sth认为某人可以、应该做某事

a length of长度

I wish I did sth我希望我做了某事

dive off the rock从岩石上跳下

take a deep breath深呼吸

go cycling骑自行车兜风

by weight以重量计

stay clean保持新鲜

a variety of种种

ata time每次;一次

at the bottom of在底部

feed on sth.以.....为食

hold one's breath屏住呼吸



