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新概念英语108句型:新概念英语B1L11学习四步法I'm feeling blue today.我今天的心情不好。Someone has flown off with my blue bag.有人把我那蓝色的包偷拿走了。用作形容词 (adj.)She wore a dark blue coat.她穿着一件深蓝色的上衣。The pots are made with blue enamel.这些锅上有蓝色的搪瓷。


今天就让我们用英语学习四步法:单词—短语—单句—短文,来一起学习《新概念英语》第一册 Lesson 11, Is this your shirt ? 这是你的衬衫吗?


Lesson11Book1 New Concept English

1、英语单词(New Words): 英语学习之基础!

Blue英 [bluː] 美 [bluː] adj. 蓝色的;忧郁的;沮丧的;色情的;n. 蓝色

用作形容词 (adj.)

She wore a dark blue coat.她穿着一件深蓝色的上衣。

The pots are made with blue enamel.这些锅上有蓝色的搪瓷。

Someone has flown off with my blue bag.有人把我那蓝色的包偷拿走了。

I'm feeling blue today.我今天的心情不好。

The thundery weather make me blue.雷雨欲来的天气让我忧郁。

Often when it rains Marty feels blue.一下雨,玛琪就会变得忧郁。

It really is blue Monday after a wonderful weekend.过了愉快的周末之后,星期一〔要上班〕实在是令人沮丧。

His girl friend was blue about not being invited to the dance party yesterday.他的女朋友昨天因未被邀请参加舞会而沮丧。

They were caught showing blue films in the theater and were arrested by the police.他们在戏院放映色情电影被查到,并遭警方逮捕。

用作名词 (n.)

The color scheme of the room is blue and gold.这个房间的色彩配置是蓝色和金黄色。

On this chart the erector is marked in blue.在这张图上竖立肌以蓝色标志。


adj. :dejected 、depress、gloomy、miserable、sad、unhappy、

n. sapphire. v: blow



White英 [waɪt] 美 [waɪt] adj. 白色的;纯洁的;白种的;加牛奶的;n. 白色;白种人

用作形容词 (adj.)

This parapet is white. 这个栏杆是白色的。

He was white with fury.他气得脸色发白。

Borax is a kind of white powder.硼砂是一种白色粉末。

Her reputation is as white as snow.她的声誉纯洁无瑕。

She is white and he is coloured.她是白种人而他是黑人。

The white people here don't mix socially with the natives.这里的白种人不与土人交往。

How do you like coffee black or white ?你喜欢什么样的咖啡?不加牛奶的还是加牛奶的?

用作名词 (n.)

The black shows up against the white.在白色的衬托下 黑色很显目。

White is a very becoming color on you.你穿白色衣服很好看。

The mayor is very popular among whites.这位市长在白人中很受欢迎。

【近义词】: colorless 、light、pale

【反义词】: black、dark、dishonest、unclean.

catch英 [kætʃ 美 [kætʃ] v. 赶上;抓住;捕捉;领会;n. 捕捉;捕获物;陷阱

用作动词 (v.)

We're just in time to catch the train. 我们正好赶上了火车。

The police are tracking down him and hope to catch him soon. 警察正在搜捕他并希望能很快抓住他。

It is natural for a cat to catch mice. 猫捉老鼠是本能。

I don't catch your meaning. 我不明白你的意思。

用作名词 (n.)

That's a nice catch. 那球接得好。

The fisherman had a good catch. 渔夫捕到许多鱼。

There must be a catch to that last question. 最後那个问题里面一定有圈套。


How to learn New Concpet English?


a blue moon: 很长时间 long time

black and blue: 青一块紫一块 covered with bruises

cry blue murder:大声惊呼 大惊小怪地叫喊 cry out in alarm

用作名词 (n.)

a bolt from the blue: 意想不到的事 使人吃惊的事 sth taken sb by surprise

out of the blue: 出其不意; 出乎意料 take sb by surprise; unusually

动词 ~: become〔go turn〕 white 变白

~ 介词 : white with 因…而变白的

white with anger 因气愤而(脸)发白的

catch at (v. prep.): 接受 accept

catch in (v. prep.) : 遇上雨 被雨淋 be caught in the rain

catch in (v. adv.): 缝上几针把…收紧 改小 draw (a loose garment) together with a belt et

c.; take (a loose garment) in closer size
catch off (v. prep.): 乘某人不备 surprise sb in an undefended moment

catch on (v. prep.) : 触到痛处; 伤感情 catch sb on the raw

catch on (v. adv.): 〈非正〉理解 see the meaning purpose etc.; grasp mentally

catch out (v. adv.): 使怀孕 make sb pregnant

catch up (v. adv.): 把…缠住 把…卷入; 把…迷住 entangle involve; enthrall

catch up in (v. adv. prep.): 沉湎于; 被吸引住; 关注 be deeply interested in; be busy wit

h (an activity or group)
catch up on (v. adv. prep.): 对…有影响 have an effect on sb's health work behaviour

etc. especially a damaging effect

catch up with (v. adv. prep.): 查出来并抓获 find out about or get proof to punish or arre


catch with (v. prep.): 接住 抓住 seize or grasp sth

catch in: 在…中有蹊跷 a hidden problem or difficulty among sth

catch to :关于…有蹊跷 a hidden problem or difficulty about sth


Whose shirt is that ?

Is this your shirt Dave?

No. Sir.

It’s not mine=It’s not my shirt.

This is my shirt.

My shirt is bule.

Is this shirt Tim’s ?

Perhaps it is sir.

Tim’s shirt is white.

Here you are Catch!

Stella is here. That is her car.

Excuse me Steven. Is this your umbrella?

I am an air houstess. My name is Britt.

Paul is here too. That is his coat.


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、英语短文(Possessive Case):课文注释练习写作!

“Whose” in the sentence “Whose shirt is that ?”is an attributive modifying “shirt”.

Is this shirt Tim’s? Tim’s is a possessive case for Tim “shirt” was omitted after Tim’s.

More example: It isn’t my pen it’s Frank’s (pen).

“Here you are” or “ Here it is”. It is used when stuff is delivered or given to the other person involved.

“Whose”在句中“Whose shirt is that ?”做定语,修饰“shirt”(衬衣)。

Tim’s 是Tim的所有格,后面省去了shirt (衬衣)。

“Here you are” or “ Here it is”.是“给你”,是给东西时候的用语。


